Marty Sowers, of Porter Township, has officially announced his candidacy for Magisterial District Judge in District 21-3-04. He says his campaign will emphasize his...
Cressona is enforcing a rule that doesn’t seem to be enforced in every Schuylkill County community, even though it should be: Requiring sidewalks be...
The Schuylkill County Sheriff’s Office is warning the public about an ongoing phone scam. In a Facebook post, Sheriffs are saying that employers are...
Minersville is currently searching for a new Borough Manager. Robert Mahalchick resigned from the position in November after nearly 12 years on the job...
State Rep. Dane Watro (R-Schuylkill/Luzerne) was appointed to be the Republican Chairman of the Subcommittee on Cities under the Local Government Committee. Watro says...
Girardville plans to implement a new tax on Pennsylvania Skill games. At their regular meeting on Wednesday, Borough Council members OK’d the first reading...
Schuylkill County Commissioners recently approved several property repository sales. At their Christmas Eve meeting, the Commissioners approved sales of the following properties, which were...
It appears property taxes in Cressona will be going up for 2025. Borough council members on Monday approved a $933,042 preliminary budget that includes...
It was a rough day to be a property owner in Pottsville on Wednesday. After learning that Schuylkill County Commissioners approved a preliminary 2025...
Mark Atkinson was sworn in Monday evening as the next Mayor of Pottsville. The swearing-in was performed by District Magistrate James Reiley inside City...
Shenandoah’s plan to hire Portnoff Law Associates to collect unpaid tax, utility, and services bills hit a bit of a snag recently. The Allentown-based...
Shenandoah Borough Council members voted unanimously on Monday to fire a full-time police officer. The borough did not identify the officer by name and...
Pottsville’s Zoning Hearing Board denied Pottsville Area Little League a variance to construct an indoor batting cage building at the site of the former...
With Cass Township Police Dept. now disbanded, it leaves a significant portion of the Highridge Business Park without local police protection. Foster Township may...
Here’s video from the Schuylkill County Commissioners Work Session meeting held on June 19, 2024. During the Work Session meeting, Commissioners heard proposals from...