It seems we avoided the worst of the gas shortage here in Schuylkill County and Pennsylvania, in general.
That means no one had to put up with cranky people criticizing their neighbors for buying an extra 5-gallons when they went to top off their tanks.
We just get to watch another part of the country scramble to buy gas, reminisce about the last time we saw gas lines in America.
And, of course, we have the memes to enjoy.
Gas shortages are all fun and games when they don’t affect you directly (yet) …
Best Gas Shortage Memes
We’ve been collecting the best gas shortage memes since the crisis began. And though it seems the emergency or non-emergency is nearing an end and filling stations in the South are getting gas deliveries again, you may want to keep these handy for the next shortage.
The Aaaaaand It’s Gone meme format knows no bounds.
This meme blames the Biden-Harris (or Harris-Biden) administration for the gas shortage. Of course, liberals disagree. But does it matter? They spent about 5 years blaming Trump for everything, so guess what, this is their fault.
Energy independence to gas shortage in 4 short months … Incredible!
We’re only a small fraction of the way through Sleepy Joe’s one and only term and it feels like forever.
Missing the Orange Man? You bet.
We saw plenty of photos and video of people filling plastic garbage bags and all sorts of vessels with gasoline. Apparently, thanks to the invaluable fact-checkers hired by the major social media companies, they were all from previous years.
Maybe we’ve evolved since then. A Styrofoam cooler to carry your extra gas? Someone get Greta on the phone!
Seriously, who gets to decide what constitutes “panic buying” or “hoarding” and what is just a practice of being prepared?
Just like last year, the hoarding police were out in full effect during the gas shortage.
Apparently the gas shortage got real for some people this week. If you’re outta gas, you’re not going anywhere, especially Madagascar.
Wait until the power grid fails and Tesla owners are wishing they still had a gas-powered vehicle.
An example of our society going soft … no one siphons gas like they used to. What a shame.
HA! Flatten the curve. Have we finally done it?
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