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Schuylkill County Dept of Memes

Schuylkill Courthouse Playing Hard-To-Get on Snoopgate Investigation Requests

We’re forced to appeal to the state Open Records office.

Schuylkill County government officials appear to be playing hard-to-get regarding our request for documents in the ongoing Snoopgate controversy.

A few weeks ago, the County Commissioners had before them – for a second time – a motion to fire 2 employees in the Courthouse’s Tax Claims office. They’re accused of conducting more than 300 “unauthorized searches” on LexisNexis software that somehow could have compromised the identities of more than 9,100 people. That motion failed again on a tie vote, 1-1, with Commissioner George Halcovage abstaining on worries of conflict of interest.

Canary RTK Requests on Snoopgate Investigation “Deemed Denied” After Getting Crickets from the Courthouse

At that meeting when the firing was considered, County officials referenced an “independent investigation” that ultimately determined those 2 employees – who happen to be among the 4 Jane Doe plaintiffs in a sexual harassment lawsuit against many of the people promoting their termination – should get sacked.

Everyone at that meeting was talking about some alleged investigation report but, to date, the County has produced 0 evidence that a report of it exists. Even Commissioner Gary Hess, who voted against firing the employees on fears it would appear to be “retaliation” against them, said he’s seen the report but hasn’t released a copy of it to the public or media.

The Right to Know Process Begins

According to its reporting, the Republican Herald newspaper in Pottsville filed a Right to Know request with the County Solicitor’s office and heard back from them within the required 5 days. However, the County requested a 30-day extension to produce the requested records.

Last Thursday evening, we filed separate and similar Right to Know requests with the County, seeking the following:

  • A copy of the investigation report from the law firm of Eckert, Seamans, Cherin, and Mellott LLC,
  • A copy of an investigation report the County sent to the law firm of Eckert, Seamans, Cherin, and Mellott LLC,
  • All written communications between the law firm of Eckert, Seamans, Cherin, and Mellott LLC and several Schuylkill County officials since it was retained in late-2021.

As of Monday night, March 21, we have zero documents and zero response from the Courthouse on these requests.

“Let’s Take the Scenic Route”

Presuming the County didn’t receive our RTK requests until Friday, March 11, they had 5 business days to respond. The clock starts the day after the request is received. That time is clearly up. And the County hasn’t responded.

Sadly, they can do that, per Open Records laws in Pennsylvania. It means our request is classified as “deemed denied” but hope is not lost.

The County’s just making us take the scenic route, as it were, to get this alleged report.

While it’s an annoyance and wholly unnecessary, since it would be in the County’s best interest to release this alleged report to the public as soon as possible to prove their case in seeking these terminations, we’re perfectly happy to experience the state Open Records Office appeals process.

We don’t expect this to be a short process but we do think it’ll end in a win for the public. This report cost the public money. The Courthouse has made a public spectacle of the issue. And they continually reference its existence without providing any evidence it exists.

These requests shouldn’t be considered too invasive in any way and therefore, should be granted.

In the meantime, the Courthouse will just huddle with its report until the state says it’s time to give it up.


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  1. Coalregion12

    March 22, 2022 at 8:03 am

    If this investigative report was so “damning” against Jane Doe 1 and 2, you would think the County would be happy to put out the report. They could blackout sensitive information if they thought it had to be.
    Good job Canary. Keep on shining the light. Watch the Rats scurry about.

  2. PTFloridians

    March 22, 2022 at 10:03 am

    Keep up the good work Canary
    These imbeciles need rooted out, fired and/or voted out… they’ve done nothing constructive or enriching for our county, just enveloped us in scandal, poor decision making, mistrust, zero transparency and irresponsible spending.

  3. PTFloridians

    March 26, 2022 at 10:05 pm

    BTW, the Bugs Bunny grabs are great…best cartoon ever…many childhood memories and belly laughs.

    • Canary Commenter

      March 26, 2022 at 11:14 pm

      Has to be one of the best Bugs cartoons ever made. Shut up shuttin’ up.

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