Hey, what’s the deal with the people and the matching pajamas?
Another Christmas has come and gone. And so has another season of people posting pictures of themselves with their families in matching pajamas.
While we’re sad to see Christmas gone for another 364 days, we’re definitely not sad to see the matching pajamas pictures go on Facebook.
What’s the Deal with the Matching Pajamas?
We don’t want to know when the trend started. The only thing we want to know at this point is that it’s over.
Seriously, matching pajamas. We don’t get it.
Are we supposed to believe that these people actually sleep like this every night of the year? Of course they don’t.
If someone posted a picture of their family in matching pajamas on March 26th, we’d all think they were off their rockers. In fact, if you participate in this trend on any night but December 24th, people are going to start wondering what goes on in that house of yours.
So, why do people sleep like this on Christmas Eve? Because even then, it’s a little …
Put it this way, if we’re suddenly stranded on the side of a desolate, dark road and we walk up to a house to ask for some assistance, the second we see everyone in the same pajamas, we’re outta there.
It doesn’t matter if the next house is 3 miles away, we’ll take that risk.
Is Matching Pajamas a New Trend?
This matching pajamas trend is likely taking off these days because of social media. What better way to show off your not-so-real family life than to show everyone dressing alike one night of the year.
Plus, everyone’s life needs to look like an Instagram photo these days.
But you may be surprised (if you’re of a certain younger age) to learn that this is not a new trend at all.
Check out some of these disturbing photos of families donned in their one-night-only PJs from Christmases past.
So many questions about the Sears Wish Book ad above …
For instance, which one’s the mother?
Why does the baby look like grampa?
At least the little girl gets it.
She’s looking like she’d rather be somewhere else NOT wearing matching PJs with these weirdos.
Moving on …
Uhhhh …
Let’s keep going.
OK, these are kinda cool.
But does everyone do their hair before bedtime?
All the kids are gingers yet neither of the parents have red hair. Maybe the dye in the matching pajamas bled into the kids’ hair?
And what’s with all the kids. It’s like everyone was trying to be the Brady Bunch.
The pajamas were definitely inspired by a certain running back for the Buffalo Bills.
If the pajamas don’t fit, you must acquit.
Christmas Traditions
We’re all about celebrating Christmas traditions. Some have been passed down from generation to generation. We just don’t understand how no one at any point over the last 60+ years considered putting a stop to this disturbing one.
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December 26, 2020 at 10:08 am
Impossible to add anymore humor here. Hilarious &accurate. Well done!
Geralynn matta
December 27, 2020 at 10:39 am
The family that places same pjs on posts bail together.