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Local Activist Preps Impeachment Docs, Plans Protest to Force Halcovage Resignation

halcovage impeachment docs resignation protest

halcovage impeachment docs resignation protest

A Tower City-area political activist says Schuylkill County Commissioner has until Friday to resign from office.

If he doesn’t, Marcus Riddell says he’ll send a draft of a Document of Impeachment to the Pennsylvania House of Representatives. Riddell tells The Canary in an interview on Wednesday, that according to Article 1, Section 2 of the Pennsylvania Constitution, permits him to send this draft to the House.

§ 2.  Political powers.
        All power is inherent in the people, and all free governments
     are founded on their authority and instituted for their peace,
     safety and happiness. For the advancement of these ends they
     have at all times an inalienable and indefeasible right to
     alter, reform or abolish their government in such manner as they
     may think proper.

He says he’s been told the document will be read by the Speaker of the House in Harrisburg and then likely sent to the House Judiciary Committee.

In the meantime, Riddell – who organizes the action group We the People of PA – is planning to hold a protest outside Schuylkill County Courthouse on August 19 to convince Halcovage to resign.

Schuylkill County Activist Preps Impeachment Docs, Plans Protest to Force Halcovage Resignation

Riddell started his political action group in April in response to Pennsylvania Gov. Tom Wolf’s actions in response to the coronavirus pandemic. He became active in the Halcovage drama at Schuylkill County Courthouse after reading the findings of the internal investigation that found Halcovage likely violated 3 different workplace policies, including sexual harassment.

Although that investigation did determine Halcovage violated those policies, the County has produced zero evidence that suggests any of it is real.

Riddell addressed those concerns that some in Schuylkill County currently have. He said he sent a Right to Know (RTK) request to the County seeking more evidence from that investigation. Riddell tells us the County got back to him within the required 5 business days but only to say they needed an extension. The County promised to get back to him by Aug. 19 and said they’re not sure if what he’s requesting is subject to RTK laws.

“The people of Schuylkill County need to stand up to these victims,” he tells The Canary. “These poor ladies are afraid to go to work. Their voices need to be heard.”

Protest for Halcovage Resignation

Riddell plans to protest outside Schuylkill County Courthouse on Aug. 19, starting at 8 a.m. Since that’s a Wednesday, Riddell wants to be there so the public attending the Commissioners meeting that day will see their message. On the 19th, the Commissioners actually have a work session meeting scheduled, which is still open to the public.

There is a chance, of course, that meetings could still be held via teleconference. Riddell says the protest will go on as scheduled regardless, unless of course, Halcovage resigns prior to then.

Halcovage says he’s not resigning, despite near constant calls for him to step down from inside and outside the Courthouse.

Impeaching Halcovage

Outside of his own resignation, the only ways Halcovage can be removed from office are from a criminal conviction or by impeachment. Impeachment involves the Pennsylvania General Assembly.

Riddell believes the documents he sends to the House of Representatives in Harrisburg – if Halcovage doesn’t resign by Friday – will be read by the Speaker of the House and then sent to the House Judiciary Committee.

He described what he’s planning to send to Harrisburg as a binded document, including a draft resolution with a copy of the statement released by Schuylkill County Solicitor Glenn Roth to announce the findings of the County’s internal investigation

The impeachment process actually mirrors the one we all saw unfold in late 2019 and early 2020 against President Donald Trump.

Once in the House Judiciary Committee, the issue would likely come to a vote. If the matter passes out of Committee, it would move to the full House for a vote. Should it pass out of the House, the matter gets moved to the Pennsylvania State Senate.

Like the US Senate, the State Senate holds conviction powers but would need a 2/3 majority to force Halcovage out of office.


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  1. Just sayin

    July 29, 2020 at 9:54 pm

    Thank you. Get this perv out of there. The women who work there deserve to feel safe. And the sexual harassment charges that I have heard about are really bad. Quid pro quo type of stuff. Gross!

  2. TheTruth

    July 29, 2020 at 11:56 pm

    So who else is completely ignorant when it comes to The Constitution of United States of America and the powers it gives to the people other than Riddell and the author of this article? I know there are too many people who are.

    “Article 1 section 2 permits it” what kind of steaming pile of bullcrap is that?? We The People don’t need permission.

    Secondly does anyone, at all, outside of the court house actually know any details of what Mr. Halcovage is accused of? If not, and especially if Riddell doesn’t know specific details Mr. Riddell and everyone else who doesn’t know much other than what news has reported need to stay out of it. Riddell’s plan is no better than sending someone with parkinsons out into public blind folded with a gun in their twitchy fingered hand and telling them to get birds for dinner.

    We cannot and should not file against anyone without any actual proof and without knowing and real details. We especially can’t do what Riddell plans to do according to this article without knowing specific details. So his plan is similar to hunting Smurfs that are also witches – causing drama and doing something against someone blindly. That’s definitely not how anyone should be doing things.

    Where’s the details and proof? Maybe I missed it.

    • Dave

      July 30, 2020 at 12:41 am

      Children in a playground.

      • Dave

        July 30, 2020 at 12:44 am

        Or only a lonely child?

    • Tweener

      July 31, 2020 at 10:17 am

      Birds for dinner and Smurfs????Glad we have such powerful arguments from unbiased followers.😀

  3. Jason Bourne

    July 30, 2020 at 1:37 am

    Just call Villanova on him. That’s how you get this over with. Pressure. Tired of this. It’s gonna cost millions because Halcovage won’t apologize and remove himself from office.

    • PTFloridians

      July 30, 2020 at 9:09 am

      Bourne, you seem to be a fine example of a subversive, Marxist tool.
      …what if people accused you of doing things that, maybe, you didnt do…they just said it because they didnt like you, or had a broader goal to undermine you and/or your family, your future, etc…?
      It would be wise for you to reconsider your angry, hateful, racist comments and desire to stoke division and sedition, without careful thought, reason, and lawful due process.

    • Just sayin

      July 30, 2020 at 10:24 pm

      Agree w you. This guy needs to leave and save the taxpayers the expense of settlements we cannot afford.

  4. Jason Bourne

    July 30, 2020 at 2:06 pm

    Lol. I’m not a Marxist, I’m a Democratic Socialist. Big Difference. Due process? There was no internal investigation done by the county. The county should have a zero tolerance policy against sexual harassment. He’s guilty. He removed himself from the situation in the hopes it would just blow over. He’s going to end up costing this county millions because he won’t apologize and step down.

    Your racism comment is ridiculous. Conservatives act like systemic racism doesn’t exist when it’s inherent in the system. This system devalues black lives and we’re going to do something about it.

    • PTFloridians

      July 30, 2020 at 10:09 pm

      Welp…gotta give you credit in one regard…there’s no shame in your game. I wish you the best and hope I’m wrong about the path you’re on. I’ve just seen too much of this stuff over the years…it never shakes out.
      …watch Hillary’s America by Dnesh Dsouza…you’ll learn a few things that you misunderstand at the moment.

      • Jason Bourne

        July 31, 2020 at 7:55 am

        PT, you’re the Louis Gohmert of the coal region canary. Louis is an idiot “no masker” (R) Congressman who came down with the virus and once actually tried to ban the Democratic Party. You’re one in the same. You neocons think paying workers is communism and wall street growth is indicative of how good are economy is. Get real. I hope to tell you, the person who was most responsible for the 6 million jobs Trump created in his first 2 years was Pres. Obama. His stimulus plan created them. Obama’s last 2 years and Trump’s first 2 are virtually the same. That’s tells you Obama’s stimulus plan worked not the precious tax cuts. I hope you don’t think austerity is going to get us out of this depression. You can’t cut your way out of a depression. It’ll take a federal jobs program to do that because it’s demand for goods and services that spurs job growth. Keynesian policies. The Hillary jab is funny. She’s a moderate, neo-liberal who is more your speed.Having said that she’d still be 10 times the President Trump is PT Gohmert. Biden 2020!

        • Frank

          July 31, 2020 at 12:13 pm

          Who pays for a federal jobs program?

          Government doesn’t create jobs. It just takes money from some (and borrows) and puts it somewhere else.

          Demand and entrepreneurs create jobs. The best thing govt can do is get out of the way when it comes to the economy.

          The only thing that got us out of the Great Depression- wasn’t FDR programs, it was European demand for war products and the US supplying the demand.

          We don’t need a war to get the economy back on track. We need govt to take off the shackles. Starting with Gov Wolf

        • Frank

          July 31, 2020 at 12:24 pm

          I’d like to add, Keynesian doesn’t work. If it did, why not give each family $100,000 every year. Would that be a super duper economic utopia?

          Doesn’t work.

        • Jason Bourne

          July 31, 2020 at 1:34 pm

          Frank, FDR and the great depression. If it weren’t for the New Deal this country would have never have gotten back on it’s feet. Other countries tried Austerity, it didn’t work. Obama’s stimulus plan created 15.3 million jobs plus the first 6 million under Trump. In fact, if governments didn’t spend money, you wouldn’t even have an economy. Governments need to redistribute wealth.

  5. Dave

    July 31, 2020 at 10:26 am

    I’m confused. These allegations against Halcovage are years old. Can you actually be impeached over old allegations? Does it have to be a crime? Are the local police investigating this crime?

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