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Maria Casey Tells Taxpayers Halcovage Saga Could Cost Us Millions

schuylkill county courthouse

schuylkill county courthouse

Schuylkill County Clerk of Courts Maria Casey believes the George Halcovage saga at the Courthouse could end up costing taxpayers millions.

Casey’s become somewhat of a ringleader of the Bash Halcovage movement at the Courthouse since the Commissioner was accused of violating several workplace policies, including Sexual Harassment.

Since the accusations first came to light, Casey has been very vocal in reminding everyone how much she disapproves of his presence inside the Courthouse. And now she’s accusing Commissioners chairman Boots Hetherington of covering for Halcovage by changing the rules of public meeting comments by requiring callers (during virtual meetings) to state their name and municipality. Hetherington also required comments not on printed Agenda items be given at the end of Commissioners meetings.

In one of the first meetings after the results of a County investigation into Halcovage’s alleged workplace behavior were made public, several anonymous women called in to say they felt threatened by his presence at the Courthouse.

Casey chimed in to say that by allowing Halcovage to stay at work it allowed him to “prowl” the hallways at the Courthouse to look for more victims.

And then two women who say Halcovage attacked them in the past came forward to WNEP-TV to tell their tales. They were joined by former Schuylkill County District Attorney Christine Holman, who now represents them. Holman and Casey have a past. When Holman was DA, Casey worked in her office as her lead prosecutor.

Casey Says Halcovage Drama Could Cost Taxpayers Millions

So now, with Halcovage’s alleged victims “squelched” by Hetherington’s policy changes, it appears Casey is taking the lead as their voice.

And on Wednesday, she let everyone know how she thinks this situation will play out. Casey says the whole drama could end up costing Schuylkill County taxpayers millions.

“There are at least 4 cases pending right now. There are 4 in the Courthouse,” Casey said. “There may be more.”

For the record, we have no idea if there are any accusations against Halcovage outside the workplace.

“Some of these women are working there. Some of these women are still afraid to come back,” Casey said, referencing previous comments made by the anonymous female callers who said they’re afraid to come to work, a point first made public by Casey.

“The ones who are there, I’m sure, are terrified that they’re in the same building with her,” she added.

Casey then asked Hetherington and Democrat Commissioner Gary Hess to go on the record to say that taxpayers wouldn’t fund any financial settlement that may result from these accusations.

What’s Next?

She then outlined what she believes are the next steps in the saga.

“There is litigation, as I said, 4 cases pending,” Casey told the public and Commissioners. “It’ll go on for several months.”

Casey says that discovery and depositions will take place next.

“All funded by the taxpayers,” she reminded us. “All funded by the County.”

She then said Halcovage will get a “free lawyer” through his position as Schuylkill County Commissioner.

“Everyone has to pay for him for his misdeeds,” she added. “Very improper.”

After all this, she thinks there will be a settlement offer, which she believes Halcovage will accept.

“These women will be paid possibly seven-figures. Again, on the taxpayer’s dime,” she said. “He has exposed the County and its taxpayers to devastating litigation costs which are absolutely improper. We’re in a phase where the County and the taxpayers are funding litigation that, as I said, will probably go into seven-figures. It’s beyond dispute that this is going to have a devastating effect on the taxpayers.

“They now are going to have to pay out of their own pockets to fund litigation and pay for settlements because of his misdeeds and criminal behavior,” Casey continued.

Break Up the Old Boys Network

The Clerk of Courts then demanded that Hetherington go on the record and state that he wouldn’t approve any potential settlement in this case. She said that Hess has already done so but we have no record of him saying that, at least on the record.

“This Old Boys Network of protecting these people, these men who engage in these gross misdeeds, must stop. And I am not funding this out of my pocket and nor is any other taxpayer,” she said.

Casey then said she believes the would-be settlements would include confidentiality agreements that would prevent any of the victims from speaking out about these alleged incidents.

“Let George pay for it. Let him pay for the settlement. He did the misdeeds. He did the very wrongful acts. Let him pay,” Casey added.

Neither Hetherington or Hess did as Casey asked at Wednesday’s meeting and the meeting continued.

You can listen to Casey’s full comments in the SoundCloud player below:


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  1. PTFloridians

    July 25, 2020 at 5:51 pm

    She looooves to hear herself talk, doesn’t she.

    • Edward - retired not for hire

      July 29, 2020 at 7:57 am

      ATTORNEY CASEY tainted the potential JURY pool.

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