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Coronavirus in Schuylkill County

Pottsville Area Bar Owner Attacked, Hospitalized After Asking Customer to Wear a Face Mask

pottsville bar owner attacked asked customer to wear face mask
(Photo: Coal Region Canary) Mike Glauda, seen here in May 2020, says he was attacked at his Pottsville area business on Monday evening after asking a customer to wear a face mask.
pottsville bar owner attacked asked customer to wear face mask

(Photo: Coal Region Canary) Mike Glauda, seen here in May 2020, says he was attacked at his Pottsville area business on Monday evening after asking a customer to wear a face mask.

A Pottsville area bar owner was attacked by a customer Monday evening when he asked him to wear a face mask.

According to State Police in Schuylkill Haven, the assault happened at about 8:30 p.m. Monday. They say 34-year-old Kyle Jacoby, of Schuylkill Haven, got into an argument with Mike Glauda, the owner of Goodfella’s Cafe in Mount Carbon, just outside Pottsville.

The argument quickly turned physical and Jacoby attacked Glauda, police report.

Glauda was taken to a local hospital for treatment and admitted for an overnight stay.

Pottsville Area Bar Owner Attacked After Asking Customer to Wear Face Mask

In a conversation with The Canary on Tuesday, Glauda said the argument started when he asked Jacoby to wear a face mask.

If you recall, earlier this year, Glauda expressed extreme frustration over Pennsylvania Gov. Tom Wolf’s draconian business shutdown orders. Those orders severely hampered his business and the businesses of every bar and restaurant owner in Schuylkill County and statewide.

Glauda even threatened to go against the Governor’s orders and open his business to customers. State Police and the state’s Liquor Control Enforcement warned Glauda after his threat that he could face severe punishment and lose his license if he followed through. Eventually, he backed down from that threat and found a way to operate his business, albeit in a limited fashion.


Part of that compromise is that his customers sit outside and that they wear face masks when they go inside his building for any reason or where they might otherwise be required, per state guidelines.

Police have filed charges against Jacoby before District Judge James Reiley but he hasn’t been arrested, as of this article publishing for the first time.

Jacoby faces a first-degree felony charge of aggravated assault as well as a misdemeanor charge of simple assault and summary charges of harassment and disorderly conduct.


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  1. Jim

    October 21, 2020 at 2:02 pm

    Galuda is a a scum bag. I have no doubt he instigated this fight. That’s who he is.

    • MikeBo1966

      October 22, 2020 at 11:45 am

      This guy just keeps starting problems for himself from telling Wolfe he was going to open during a lock down to pissing and moaning about everything about Covid-19.
      Rumor is I hear He does a lot more then just bartender, he does work with his 60 grand Pick up truck including snow plowing and snow removal all off the clock and is cash only so no taxes. if he saved no money with all the different businesses he runs, that’s his fault, people need to learn what a saving acct is…

      • Frank

        October 22, 2020 at 8:14 pm

        Would you rather he be dependent on the government or actually earn a living?

    • Jack

      October 22, 2020 at 4:08 pm

      Instigating by asking or telling a patron to follow the rules? There’s nothing wrong with that it’s what buisiness owners should do if some careless person comes inside without one or they risk losing their business and fines etc.

      People love to hate Mike Glauda for no reason. Everything anyone has ever carried on about that he did was something that if they were in his shoes they would do the same thing. He uses his truck to plow people out during winter for a few bucks to cover fuel and maintenance? You probably would too if you had one.

    • Wendy

      October 22, 2020 at 8:58 pm

      Why the name calling, and what bus. Is it of the person bitching about his plowing and taxes, who the hell cares man take that anger and better your town in someway, this world has enough ignorance and if he didn’t know the I’m sure he does now with people watching, stop by maybe he ll buy you a beer or shot.he wasn’t the only one threatening to open, people lost their lively hoods and others so many were on the brink, I don’t think plowing could pay his yearly bills like many others, back off and give a man a chance,and I’m not for either or on this question, but what would you have done if you had wolf’s job, or fucci, we had a handle on this if ya think of it now we have people lining up at Sheetz intersection rallying trump unprotected, and I don’t care if it was for biden but why the hell pick a place where so many people get in accidents causing chaos, I swear I’m all for it but not at a place where people are hurt and killed and at that time a day, I just passed yet another accident there last week God for bid if it were people looking for work for food or a bus. Advertising, the cops would have broke it up, bad example, and chlorox cleanses aren’t gonna work people, alot of lives jepordized.ihope you all stay scaved from the virus that’s here.

    • Joseph Angst

      July 3, 2023 at 9:37 pm

      Mr. Claudia is the far from a scum bag. He is a business man who pays his taxes and keeps his properties maintained. One thing I learned is when you hear something about someone first thing you do is consider the source who’s talking

  2. PTFloridians

    October 21, 2020 at 9:36 pm

    This is the direct result of Der Komissar Wulf’s draconian, and unlawful policies, as he held people like Mike, hostage, as he extorted them and threatened them with licensing and fines. I’m guessing Mike’s trying to stay afloat, and knows he’s being “watched” and outed by a slew of low-level criminal snitches and PLCB agents. If someone asks me (or anyone in an establishment, or otherwise), I’ll simply leave if sensing confrontation, and spend my money elsewhere. This is a terrible time in our state’s history, and Brown Shirt Wulf is to blame. Get this schmendrick outta here.


    October 21, 2020 at 11:13 pm

    This is bullshit! Mike, whether u love or hate him.. he’s not to fault here. He’s just doing what fuhrer Wolf has REQUIRED. This is such crap, this person does not get a get out of jail free card for any reason!! If he is left go on ror then fxck the whole skook justice system!! These small businesses are doing what they need to do to get by & just keep their heads above water… This is no reason to be assaulted!! Following orders just enough to not go under. For God’s sake, he’s just doing the responsible thing as a business owner.. shame on anyone for not giving him credit for that!!

    • Geralynn matta

      October 22, 2020 at 5:56 am

      Fuxk the entire skook justice system a long time ago. Confidential Informants that squeak on people for drugs are allowed get out of jail free cards on a regular basis. I say it’s not like these sumbag narks are giving up their lives to save thousands by rating on terrorists! They can go on doing the drugs,corrupting children,stealing,driving under the influence,assaulting people ECT…

  4. Unknown

    October 22, 2020 at 11:50 am

    Go look up Jacoby’s was NOT the owner

  5. Wendy

    October 22, 2020 at 3:37 pm

    I don’t understand why you have to go into the fact that he was gonna open up his bus. Against the rules. The man was attacked on his property,that doesn’t make him a scumbag, or the fact he plows shows that the man’s a worker and not living off the system, so now he follows the guide lines with masks and ya all be little the guy,why does he need to learn how to save money, you have no idea what that man had to pay out, and I know other local bus. Owners in the same situation they are not getting the help as promised so they have to do threatening things so they can save what their busting their asses for,how is mike doing, what are his injuries,did anyone jump into help him, lord know if it was the other way around that there would be all kinds of quotes and bullshit. If he would of not told the man to put on his mask then I’m sure someone would have reported him.givethe man a freaking break he brings bus. To this stone,my God he brought bret michaels, what other bar brought such a high profile person such as mike did with Brett and his band and more than once I believe. He made a establishment where people could gather and have fun drinking or and you through mud in his face when he’s knocked down, shame on any of you and please rock my world and tell me the name of your bus.or are you home on your ass milking the system? The reporter should have stuck to the purpose of story and not drudge up pass, shame on you, mike if you read this we were kind of friends you were older but I still remember every Saturday seeing you and your father behind our house working your ethics started young, and I for one hope you walk away from hospital unscaved and that your business makes it and to all you bashers loose the hate and jealousy of a man trying to make a freaking living. One more thing, money can go fast I have no business but I have pets one requiring over 5k in surgeries, which we paid cash and two weeks before my last car payment my motor blew, that to over 5 k, cash so don’t be so quick to judge where another’s savings go, actually it’s not even anyone’s bus. I shared my bus. As an example, but Mike or any other bus. Owner doesn’t need to explain them of luck to you mike, sue the bastard, you know me as richter,wendy.

    • Canary Commenter

      October 25, 2020 at 11:56 am

      We brought up the past to show that the owner of the bar was doing everything in his power to stay open during the government-ordered shutdowns. We’re not real big on the mask issue but wear them so as not to give the business owners any grief or added stress during this time. So, we’re actually supporting the business owners, including Mike in this situation. Not sure why you have such a beef with us bringing up the very recent and very relevant past. Perhaps you misunderstood our intent with that.

  6. Wendy

    October 22, 2020 at 3:41 pm

    I don’t understand why you have to go into the fact that he was gonna open up his bus. Against the rules. The man was attacked on his property,that doesn’t make him a scumbag, or the fact he plows shows that the man’s a worker and not living off the system, so now he follows the guide lines with masks and ya all be little the guy,why does he need to learn how to save money, you have no idea what that man had to pay out, and I know other local bus. Owners in the same situation they are not getting the help as promised so they have to d myo threatening things so they can save what their busting their asses for,how is mike doing, what are his injuries,did anyone jump into help him, lord know if it was the other way around that there would be all kinds of quotes and bullshit. If he would of not told the man to put on his mask then I’m sure someone would have reported him.givethe man a freaking break he brings bus. To this stone,my God he brought bret michaels, what other bar brought such a high profile person such as mike did with Brett and his band and more than once I believe. He made a establishment where people could gather and have fun drinking or and you through mud in his face when he’s knocked down, shame on any of you and please rock my world and tell me the name of your bus.or are you home on your ass milking the system? The reporter should have stuck to the purpose of story and not drudge up pass, shame on you, mike if you read this we were kind of friends you were older but I still remember every Saturday seeing you and your father behind our house working your ethics started young, and I for one hope you walk away from hospital unscaved and that your business makes it and to all you bashers loose the hate and jealousy of a man trying to make a freaking living. One more thing, money can go fast I have no business but I have pets one requiring over 5k in surgeries, which we paid cash and two weeks before my last car payment my motor blew, that to over 5 k, cash so don’t be so quick to judge where another’s savings go, actually it’s not even anyone’s bus. I shared my bus. As an example, but Mike or any other bus. Owner doesn’t need to explain them of luck to you mike, sue the bastard, you know me as richter,wendy.

  7. PTFloridians

    October 24, 2020 at 9:18 am

    In addition to my earlier post, there are certain lawful exclusions and things to consider…Mike, or ANY business, should wisely avoid confrontation with people that CHOOSE not to wear a SUGGESTED mask.

    Who is Exempt from Face Mask in Pennsylvania?

    Individuals who cannot wear a mask due to medical conditions are exempt and no medical documentation whatsoever is required under the order.
    It is a violation of HIPPA PRIVACY POLICY to ask anyone about a medical issue or WHY THEY ARE NOT WEARING a mask.
    …has everyone forgotten this somehow?…in addition to all Commander Wulf’s edicts, homeless individuals are not applicable to the covid edicts…yeah…i know…go figure.

    • Unknown

      October 25, 2020 at 5:15 pm

      Jacoby has no existing Condition to exempt him from wearing a mask. And anyone that would get this angry over a mask and beat someone to the point of being put in the hospital obviously should not be waking around free

      • PTFloridians

        October 25, 2020 at 11:32 pm

        I wasn’t necessarily suggesting anything other than the fact that Der Komissar Wolf has weaponized this situation, without ANY clarity and certainty, for ALL businesses. He extorts them and blackmails them by holding licensing and fines over their heads, while providing zero clarity on enforcing or maintaining ANY edicts or suggestions he has put forth. The business owner is hung out to dry.
        He’s in lock-step with all other Democrat-run states, in a concerted effort to kill businesses, bankrupt business owners and hurt our economy, for the sole purpose of hurting our state economy, national economy and President Trump, ultimately. He’s obviously NOT focused on data, policy and procedure. Very simply put, the Governor, or ANY of the Governors that put covid patients in nursing homes, have never been condemned or punished, for their ineptitude. That was mass-murder, period. DON’T let them fool you by telling you they care for your well being, your business and your loved ones. YOU are the only thing left standing, with freedom to live and choose wisely…businesses were collateral damage and our most vulnerable citizens were killed in nursing homes, purely due to poor policy and unconstitutional government overreach.
        If anyone breaks the law or commits an act of violence against someone else, they should be detained and the justice system will sort it out. Everyone’s sick of this stuff…we’re tired, stressed and ready to get back to our lives as we know them. The first two noodles outta town, by December, will be CDC Fauci and FBI Wray. 2 of the limpest excuses for leaders of supposed-trusted agencies, ever…no clarity, bureaucratic wafflers that have confused the nation with their mixed messages and ineptitude, while undermining our President and “we” the people.

  8. Diane Dashner

    October 30, 2020 at 6:10 pm


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