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Schuylkill County Man

Schuylkill County Man Caught in ‘To Catch a Predator’ Sting

to catch a predator mcadoo schuylkill county

to catch a predator mcadoo schuylkill county

A Schuylkill County man got arrested recently in a police sting operation that resembled the once popular show To Catch a Predator.

Police in Kingston, Luzerne County, say Jesse James Klick, of McAdoo, got caught sending messages to a person he thought was a 15-year-old girl. But it wasn’t a girl. It was Kingston Detective Stephen Gibson.

TRIGGER WARNING: The gross details may cause you to lose whatever meal you recently ate.

Schuylkill County Man Caught in To Catch a Predator Sting

Gibson says he got a message from Klick on June 15, just after 11 a.m, on a fake profile. The detective apparently set up a fake profile of a 15-year-old girl to bait potential sex predators.

Klick identified himself as “Jr” and said he was 39 and from Hazleton. Right now, he’s in Luzerne County Prison, denied bail, after the following conversations he thought were with an underage girl.

The Dirty Convo Begins

Klick sent the first message, though we’re not sure on which app they chatted.

He wrote: “Hey how are you?”

Klick told the fake profile he was a landscaper. He sent a selfie.

Then, he texted that the fake girl “looked like a cutie from what I could see.”

Klick said he wanted more pics of the fake girl. He said he was just online looking for someone “sweet, caring, and affectionate,” according to police.

The fake girl and Klick found out they each had something in common. They like hanging with friends and going to parties. What a coincidence!

Klick said: “Would love to have someone special I can do that with.”

That’s when things started getting personal.

First of all, Klick lied. He told the fake girl he was 35, not 39.

Klick said he was single and just his luck, so was the fake girl. This is when he found out the fake girl was 15. At that point, Klick should have abandoned his pursuit. But he persisted and kept up the conversation.

He asked the fake girl about her favorite color. “She” said it was pink.

Klick’s like: “I love when girls wear pink 😍.”

And then he’s like, “You’d proly look good in pink lingerie.”

The fake girl assured Klick she looks good in that color lingerie.

Frustrated, Klick replied: “Wish I could do something but stuck at work.”

Double damn because it turns out, Klick loves girls who wear lingerie, police say he said in their conversation.

Then he said: “I have some man things I could wear when you wear yours.”

“She” says that sounds like a good time.

So Klick replied: “I have a thong swim suit too but have no where to wear it lol.”

gross gif

Mom and Work Foil a Pool Party

Pleasantries now in the bank, it was time to set up a meet-and-greet. But luck wasn’t on Klick’s side right away.

He texted the fake girl: “It would be nice to see you.”

The fake girl wanted to know if he’d really come visit her.

He’s like: “Yeah you seem nice.”

So, the fake girl wanted to know what the two of them would do when they eventually got together.

Klick said: “Make out in your pool or just cuddle and make out.”

The “girl” didn’t believe he’d show up. Klick said he would but there was a problem.

He said: “I’m not teasing. I’m just at work and can’t do anything about it 😢”

Another problem … the fake girl’s mom would be home soon, according to the police report. So that would have to postpone any potential meeting.

Klick said: “If we would’ve talked before I had to work I wouldve took day off.”

Another issue here is that the fake girl is 15. So, she doesn’t drive and can’t get away. But no worries, Klick is plenty old enough to drive.

He said: “We can go anywhere to make out and what not.”

The What Not

Klick then describes the “what not” he referred to previously.

We’re not sure if there was some in-between conversation here but Klick took it up a few notches. Police say Klick agreed to buy some condoms for his eventual get-together with the fake girl. He said he was cool with using condoms.

But, if he’s “with someone” he didn’t want to use them. So, the two agreed to be a boyfriend-girlfriend couple, thus nullifying the need for the rubbers.

And this all happened in 1 day. At the end of the day on the 15th, Klick agreed to meet with the person he thought was a 15-year-old girl the next morning in Kingston.

At 9:29 a.m., police (posing as the fake girl) messaged Klick to see if they’re still getting together that day.

Klick didn’t reply until 11:24 a.m., police say. He said he got up late and also showed some concern that he was getting set up. He expressed some anxiety at their age difference.

Apparently, police assured Klick that it wasn’t a set-up and another meeting was planned for June 17, same time-same location. And that’s when Klick took this conversation to some pretty gross levels.

He said: “And what we were talking about yesterday.. I don’t wana use a condom when we meet cuz I want to feel you, I will cum on outside don’t worry.”

After saying that, Klick wanted to know if the fake girl “had nice boobs”. He sent “hugs and kisses” stickers to the “girl”, according to police.

He added: “Maybe I’ll wear a man thong tomorrow.”

But then another thing happened before these two met. It should’ve been the big sign Klick so obviously ignored. His car broke down.

The conversation with the fake girl didn’t pick up until June 19. Klick indicated he looked forward to the two of them meeting “whenever his car was fixed”. He promised “kisses all over” for the fake girl. And yeah, he’d use his tongue, Klick wrote.

He then used this emoji in conversation: “😛”

Rest assured, you may never use that emoji again after reading what Klick said after sending it to the person he thought was a 15-year-old girl.

Klick wrote: “All over the front and back of you.”

At some point during this conversation or on the social media account of this fake girl, pics were shared.

Klick wrote “she” had a “nice [bleeping] (butt),” police say. How nice, in Klick’s eyes? So nice he will “put his face in it.”

But wait, there’s more.

Klick indicated he will “put something else in there too besides his face and tongue.”

Police, posing as the girl, must have written back that they were excited about that prospect.

Klick replied, according to the police report: “You’d let me [expletive] your [expletive] (butt)?”

The police must have written back again that the fake girl was cool with it.

Klick indicated he would “cum in it too”.

We get sick every time we try to fill in the blanks on these last few statements.

Forever Yours

Klick wanted a commitment from the fake girl. He asked if the faux-girl would “be his forever,” police say. He said he’d move to be closer to her.

Keep in mind here, they’d never met. This all got prompted by a few text conversations on social media. Already, he’s moving closer to her, a girl he believes is 24 years younger than him.

Jesse then asked if she would be his forever and said that he would consider moving closer so that she could just walk over anytime and she could always spend the night.

Then some good news for Klick. He found out that his car would be done by the week following June 19.

He again sent that tongue-out emoji and wrote: “licky licky front and back.”

Before that presumptive meeting, Klick and police continued their conversation. Klick even sent a photo of himself wearing his “man thong.”

The conversation went dark on June 24, however, before the two could get together.

Police Move In

That was enough for Kingston PD. They say the contacted Klick on July 2. He admitted to having the foul conversation detailed above.

Klick was arraigned and charged with the following:

  • 2 counts Unlawful Contact with a Minor (Felony 1)
  • 3 counts Unlawful Contact with a Minor (Felony 2)
  • 1 count Criminal Use of a Communication Facility (Felony 3)

He’s due in court on July 15 at 9:30 a.m. for a preliminary hearing. Court records indicate Klick was denied bail because he poses a danger to the community and is a flight risk.



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1 Comment

1 Comment

  1. LoisLane

    July 18, 2020 at 11:08 am

    Wow. All I can say is …what a dumbass. If the fool can’t realize the Universe was sending him a stern warning by his car breaking down, then he needs to be in jail. Once again, I appreciate the attention to detail. I would pay good money to be in the courtroom when this transcript is read for the judge.

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