The top 2 runners-up in the Republican Primary Election for Schuylkill County Commissioner have decided to launch write-in campaigns for that office in November.
Mary Jo Moss finished a close third in the May Primary vote and had hinted at a possible write-in run a few weeks ago. A Facebook ad campaign and messages on her campaign’s social media account now confirm she’s giving a write-in run a shot.
In a call to The Canary on Sunday, Maria Casey, the outgoing Clerk of Courts who finished in 4th place in the Primary vote, confirmed she’s also launching a write-in bid for Schuylkill County Commissioner.
Moss finished less than 700 votes behind current Commissioners Chairman Barron Hetherington for the second of 2 Republican nominations in the Primary Election. Casey finished less than 1,500 votes out of second place. A total of 8 candidates ran in a crowded GOP field.
Larry Padora was the top vote-getter among Republicans in the May Primary. Hetherington was second highest.
Commissioner Gary Hess and Rita Anczarski-Baldino won Democrat nominations in the Primary, too. Those 4 will appear on the ballot representing those parties in the November General Election.
Greg Woll, a Libertarian, will likely appear on the November ballot, too, after submitting his nomination petition last week.
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August 1, 2023 at 5:39 pm
Glad to see another Padora knows everything,and doesn’t listen to people. Could you all sign up to donate a pint of blood so Casey can keep moving?
August 3, 2023 at 7:25 pm
…on toppa’ that, the long sleeve shirt, under the red zip fleece, under the Alfred Dunner plaid jacket, is quite the fashion statement.
…I wish them both success in their bids for election. The ignorant schlubs that are there now need shuffled out the door.