Schuylkill County Commissioners expressed support for Ukraine and the Ukrainian people during their weekly meeting at the Courthouse in Pottsville Wednesday.
Before conducting regular business, Commissioners Chairman Boots Hetherington asked for a moment of silence to honor the Ukrainian people.
Later, Hetherington issued a public statement on the Ukraine-Russia conflict and spoke of Schuylkill County’s connection to Ukraine.
As we reported recently, Schuylkill County has among the highest concentration of people claiming Ukrainian ancestry in the United States. Cass Township has the highest percentage of its population with Ukraine roots.
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Schuylkill County Commissioners Back Ukraine in Conflict with Russia
The Schuylkill County Commissioners are among a growing number of public officials who are seemingly throwing support behind Ukraine and the Ukrainian government as it tries to withstand an armed invasion by Russian troops.
“We must make a strong statement of support for the citizens of Ukraine,” Hetherington said. “The invasion of your country by Russian troops under the direction of President Vladimir Putin is an attack on innocent lives as well as a threat to democracy and democracy around the world.
Boots says the County fully supports the efforts of the United States, NATO, and the United Nations to stop the Russian invasion and “the bloodshed in the sovereign nation of Ukraine.”
“We ask all Schuylkill County residents to pray for a peaceful resolution and pray for the innocent people of Ukraine,” Hetherington added.
He also asked locals who can to support humanitarian efforts that are aimed at helping the Ukrainian people.
Commissioner George Halcovage said the Ukrainian people “are in our prayers” and noted the several Ukrainian churches in Schuylkill County are holding prayer services as the conflict drags on.
“Democracy can fall in a minute,” Commissioner Gary Hess added. “The sad thing is it’s young families, children, that are being injured. It’s innocent people that are trying to make a living just like we are here in a peaceful state.
Clerk of Courts Maria Casey asked Boots if the Commissioners would consider flying the Ukraine flag under the American flag at Schuylkill County Courthouse.
Boots told Casey he’d “take it under advisement.”
bill Lucas
May 8, 2022 at 4:30 am
was surprized to see at the beginning of this war How Ukraine could stand up to to what is supposed to be one of the top 3 militaries in the world.I am working in Krakow Poland for the last 7 days will be here for another month helping with differant organizations supporting the Ukrainian refugee’s.All the men under 60 are required to remain to fight the war so it is 95% women and children.they are the strongest group of people I have ever been around. they NEVER complain always thankfull for what the Polish and and other people are doing for them,oh yea they never sit around all day complaining about the price of gas
Canary Commenter
May 8, 2022 at 12:54 pm
Well aren’t they stunning and brave for not complaining about the price of gas. But maybe they haven’t seen the price of gas here.