Check out the latest prospective business owner competing in the Launch Pottsville competition. Pottsville Area Development Corp. released the video introduction from another of its 10 finalists for the contest, Sweets. The owner wants to open an ice cream parlor in Pottsville.
The goal of Launch Pottsville is to develop new business owners in the city. PADCO believes the winners of this year’s contest, to be decided in a few months, will be up and running before the end of the year.
The initial entry field for the Launch Pottsville contest has been narrowed down and the public can learn a little bit about each of the finalists.
Launch Pottsville Business Contest Finalist – Sweets
Sweets is founded by Rob Bohorad, of Orwigsburg.
Bohorad says he’s involved with Yuengling Ice Cream and wants to open an “old-time ice cream parlor” somewhere downtown. He believes something like that is missing from the city, which used to have numerous ice cream shops.
“I have such great memories of having those shops in the area,” he says. “And I’d like to bring one back to the area.”
Right now, Bohorad says, the biggest challenge for his business idea is finding a location in Pottsville.
Bohorad says he’s got several plans for the prize money from the Launch Pottsville competition: set up a location, stock inventory and equipment, and pay employees.
These videos are part of Phase 2 of the Launch Pottsville competition. The winner at the end gets $150,000 in cash and pro bono services to help start their business.
During Phase 2, the Launch Pottsville finalists work with local mentors to refine their business plan and goals. They also get a chance to scout some real estate in Pottsville as a potential location for their business.
The contest ends with a Shark Tank-style elevator pitch presentation in front of an audience at Schuylkill YMCA on April 28.
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