Schuylkill County’s unemployment rate dropped a full 3% in September, according to the latest figures from the US Bureau of Labor Statistics.
The unemployment rate locally now stands at 7.5%. In August, it was at 10.5%.
And September’s rate is as close to the pre-pandemic level as it’s been all year. The rate is also way down from the pandemic-high of 16.2% back in April. In March, the last month before the noticeable spike caused by statewide shutdowns of many businesses in the area, the unemployment rate was 6.9%.
Schuylkill County’s current unemployment rate is actually slightly lower than Pennsylvania, as a whole. The statewide unemployment rate is currently 8.1%. That means that locally, the economic recovery is happening faster here than it is statewide.
Here’s a quick look at BLS-reported unemployment data for Schuylkill County through 2020:
- January (6.1%)
- February (6.1%)
- March (6.9%)
- April (16.2%)
- May (13%)
- June (13%)
- July (12.5%)
- August (10.5%)
- September (7.5%)
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Linda H
November 14, 2020 at 1:36 pm
Where are they getting jobs? Warehouses?
Canary Commenter
November 14, 2020 at 6:07 pm
Some of the distribution centers are still hiring. Unemployment should be at about 4% here locally, just guessing. A job’s a job. Those jobs pay better than most, too, plus benefits.
Linda H
November 14, 2020 at 6:32 pm
Oh I was not judging anyone for warehouse work! Please do not take it that way. Sorry.
I was curious and that was my guess, knowing the warehouses have gone up and more are going up off 501, on the north side of I78, and off 645 on the south side of 78. Too, up along Rt 81.
Canary Commenter
November 14, 2020 at 6:40 pm
We missed out on that Amazon facility they’re building just over the line. Would have been a boon to the local economy.
We didn’t take it that way, btw. Just putting it out there that there are businesses still hiring. The real economic recovery locally happens when more people have a little walking-around-money. If a few hundred more people walk around Schuylkill County with money burning holes in their pockets, that’s a good thing for everyone.