Several Schuylkill County school districts indicated to parents this week that they’re monitoring updates on the coronavirus outbreak.
We know that Pottsville Area, Saint Clair Area, and North Schuylkill school districts issued memos on March 3. If you have a student in any of the other districts across the coal region, it’s likely you’ve received a similar letter or will get one soon.
Schuylkill County School Districts Issue Coronavirus Memo
Each of the memos reads the same, almost word-for-word. The schools say they’re taking guidance from the Pennsylvania Dept. of Health as well as the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
In the memo, the schools give basic health safety precautions that generally work to prevent the spread of disease and illness:
- Wash your hands and fingertips regularly for 20 seconds at a time. Use hand sanitizer if soap and water aren’t available.
- Avoid coughing and sneezing into your hands. Use a tissue and then throw it away immediately
- Clean all surfaces frequently
- Avoid touching your eyes, mouth, and nose.
- If children feel sick, keep them home from school. Wait 24 hours after a fever breaks to send students back to school.
- Get sleep and eat a well-balanced diet.
- Consult a doctor with any questions.
North Schuylkill School District writes on Facebook, “Although the virus is not widespread in Pennsylvania at this time, that status could change. Being proactive is key to prevention and mitigation.”
CDC Issues Coronavirus Update
In initial guidance from the CDC, federal health officials warned that significant disruptions in daily routines could result from the spread of coronavirus (COVID-19). That includes closing schools to prevent any local outbreaks.
So far, no US schools have closed their doors over coronavirus fears.
For the latest information on coronavirus from the CDC, check out their website.
Coronavirus in Pennsylvania
There have been no confirmed cases of coronavirus in Pennsylvania.
As of Tuesday night, according to CBS News, there are more than 100 cases confirmed in 15 states across the US. The only coronavirus-related deaths have happened in Washington state, where 9 people have died.
Featured Image: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
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