US Rep. Dan Meuser, who represents Schuylkill County in Congress, blasted passage of the legislation known as the Inflation Reduction Act.
On Friday, the US House of Representatives voted along party lines, 220-207, to pass the controversial spending plan.
President Joe Biden and Democrats say the $739 billion government spending bill will help reduce inflation, which was largely caused by massive government overspending through the COVID pandemic.
Meuser voted against the bill, along with his fellow Republicans in the House. Following the vote, Meuser (PA-9) released a statement ripping the legislation to shreds. He says this legislation will do the opposite of reducing inflation.
“The American people are sick and tired of runaway government promises of how excessive spending, tax increases, and Green New Deal “investments” would make their lives better and reduce inflation. This bill raises taxes on the American people, adds 87,000 new IRS agents, and appropriates over half a trillion dollars in new government spending at a time when the economy lurches into a spending-induced recession. The Inflation Reduction Act, which I voted against today, should be more aptly named The Recession Extension Act,” Meuser says.
He adds, “Biden and my Democrat colleagues need to put down their shovels and stop digging this economic ditch and sticking the American people with the price tag before it is too late.”
The House passing the Inflation Reduction Act now moves it on to Biden who almost certainly will sign it into law.
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August 13, 2022 at 10:49 am
Meuser is a Republican clown with no agenda.
He reminds me of Dave “do nothing” Argall
Canary Commenter
August 13, 2022 at 11:11 am
His support of the Ukraine/Russia conflict is disturbing, for sure.
Mike Dwyer
August 13, 2022 at 12:37 pm
Dan Meuser’s name comes up on my voice mail as Dam User? I think that fits better
August 14, 2022 at 9:07 am
Mr. Meuser is exactly right on this. That Biden stimulus was to boost his approval ratings, which didn’t last long anyway, but the inflation is with us. Trying to spend your way out of spending too much just makes no sense. The more funny money out there from absolute zero production, the more worthless our money becomes. These clowns who voted for this know this but just don’t care. They only care about November. When the damage from this bill comes full circle, November 2022 will be long gone, yet we will have to live with the consequences. Hopefully common sense people take over the House and Senate in November.
August 16, 2022 at 12:11 pm
Representative Meuser is right on the money. These Demorats are spending money like it’s going out of style. 87,000 IRS agents. They will never cover their salaries with recouped taxes unless of course they go after the middle class which is exactly what lyin Biden plans to do. If you’re not an illegal alien, on welfare or a Democrat supporter, the IRS is coming for you. I would hope that the fair minded moderate Democrats are finally realizing this is not their party and vote Republican in November. God help our country with this regime in power.