A tracking device led police in Schuylkill County to a suspect in a scrap metal theft.
According to a court filing by police in Branch Township, the scrap metal theft was reported on Jan. 13 at a local business. A person at that business said they had scrap metal stolen from there recently.
The person at this business said that a tracking device had been placed on a Ford wheel in their scrap pile. The tracking device began indicating that it was moving around 3:15 a.m. Just before 4 a.m., the device indicated it was not moving any longer and had been positioned at a residence on Maple St.
In total, two Ford wheels and an exhaust system were reported stolen from the business. At that Maple St. address, police say they saw pickup truck sitting in front. On the bed of the pickup, police saw two Ford wheels and an exhaust system. The registration on the vehicle showed it belonged to Vincen Demarco, 32, of Pottsville. It also showed that the registration should have been on a Subaru vehicle, not a Dodge pickup.
Demarco eventually spoke to police and reportedly asked if he could take the items back to the business. He said it was the first time he’d been there. Police denied him that ability to return the items and impounded the pickup truck. Photos of the items reported stolen were shown to the local business and confirmed that they were the missing scrap. Demarco allegedy admitted to stealing the items.
Demcarco has been charged with three misdemeanor counts of theft, three misdemeanor counts of receiving stolen property, and numerous summary offenses. A preliminary hearing before District Magistrate Judge David Rossi is scheduled for Feb. 27.
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