April is going to start rather wet across the coal region.
Between now and Wednesday morning, National Weather Service is forecasting Schuylkill County to receive nearly 2 inches of rain or more, depending upon where you live.
The heaviest rain totals will be centered on central and western Schuylkill County, with our eastern and northern stretches getting a little less than 2 inches.
But wait … there’s more.
Rain is also in the forecast for Wednesday and some of Thursday, too. There’s even mention of SNOW showers in the forecast overnight Wednesday into Thursday morning.
Here’s a map detailing where most of the rain will fall over the next 48 hours:
It does not appear that rain will be excessively heavy at any point during this period. It’ll just be a depressing, lengthy rainy period as we begin the new month.
There is a silver lining to all this. At the end of the week, just in time for the weekend, the sun does make a triumphant return to our sky. But that’s like 5 days away from now.
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