Lamour Branch, the man one alleged witness says killed Hunter Mock outside New Philadelphia last month in a suspected double-homicide, posted bond today and is out of Schuylkill County Prison.
Court records show Branch posted $10,000 bond on Monday. He was being held in Schuylkill County Prison after getting arrested on the night of Oct. 10 outside Mountain Top, Luzerne County.
Branch, 19, was picked up on a warrant for a reportedly unrelated burglary charge stemming from an incident in Cressona.
However, his arrest came just hours after several witnesses say he was at a wooded location known as The Sanchez, outside New Philadelphia, on the night of Oct. 8 with Mock, 16-year-old Angelito Caraballo, and another man, Jahlique Sherwood, 19.
Mock and Caraballo were both killed that night and Sherwood allegedly fled on foot from the scene. Sherwood says Branch shot and killed Mock. Caraballo died from stab wounds but details released on the investigation into this apparent double homicide in New Philadelphia don’t specify who allegedly killed him.
Branch denies shooting Mock and says that was Sherwood’s doing.
Regardless, following that incident, Branch fled the scene to a property his deceased mother owned outside Mountain Top, where he was later picked up by US Marshals.
At his arraignment back in Schuylkill County on the burglary charge, District Magistrate James Reiley set Branch’s bail at $25,000. At a bail reduction hearing earlier this month in Schuylkill County Court of Common Pleas, Branch’s bail was reduced to $10,000.
Records show bondsman Felicia Daisy Jo Miller, Reading, is listed as the surety on the $10,000 bond.
Branch is due back in court before District Magistrate AJ Serina for a Preliminary Hearing on the burglary charge on Dec. 5.
No arrests have been made related to the homicides in New Philadelphia. And State Police have not released any information on their investigation into that incident since search warrant affidavits were made public on Oct. 17.
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Concerned Resident
November 30, 2023 at 7:51 am
No news on the big protests from the parent of the victims??? Mind you they don’t know the slow wheel of justice of our judicial system or the fact your are proven innocent until proven guilty. O the joys…
Canary Commenter
November 30, 2023 at 11:47 pm
We weren’t contacted about that protest. And we don’t steal news from other sources, especially without attribution to that original source. Another source apparently does. The reporter for the paper is in constant contact with the mothers on that story. That’s OK. We’ll go to the protest but you’re right, the justice system often doesn’t work as fast as people want. There’s a reason police aren’t rushing into charges on this. They know why. We can all presume. But until then, the situation is what it is.