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Argall Calls for Increased Pressure on Russia, Including Social Media Censorship

Normalizing bans on social media – no matter the cause – is not the way to go.

vladimir putin

State Sen. Dave Argall (R-29) is calling on members of Congress to step up the pressure on Russia in response to its recent invasion of Ukraine.

Among those pressures, Argall suggests a “ban” on “Russian propaganda accounts from social media.”

“Tyrants like Vladimir Putin and those that support him must not walk away from their actions unpunished. We must urge Congress to take every step possible to support Ukraine and punish Russia for disrupting decades of European peace,” Argall says in a statement issued this week.

Argall Tells Congress to Take Further Action Against Putin

These are the other actions Argall wants Congress to act on to maybe stop the Russian war effort:

  • Designate Russia as a state sponsor of terror
  • Designate Russian President Vladimir Putin as a war criminal
  • Sanction “Russian leaders who have violated human rights” per the Magnitsky Act
  • Block all assets and transactions of Russian banking institutions
  • Embargo Russian oil and gas
  • Give Baltic nations, especially Lithuania, more NATO reinforcements
  • Provide humanitarian aid to fleeing Ukrainians
  • Recognize the Holodomor as genocide
  • Ban air travel over Russia

Presumably, Argall is stepping forward and introducing a resolution in the Pennsylvania Senate on this issue due to his district’s ties with Ukraine and Lithuania.

Both ethnicities have large concentrations of ancestors living in Schuylkill County.

Normalizing Social Media Bans?

We get the urge to want to back Ukraine, especially considering the coal region’s ancestral roots to eastern Europe.

However, over the last few years, the idea of banning people, thoughts, or ideas from the internet and social media has become too normal. That’s especially true for conservative voices, some of whom have been de-platformed because their views haven’t jibed with establishment narratives.

Many of those people were accused – without a shred of evidence – of being Russian assets or carrying Putin’s water for spreading so-called Russian propaganda. Even we received an angry email over our recent report questioning the idea of pulling Russian vodka from state store shelves.

This is the proverbial slippery slope that too many of us have encountered already. And now to have both sides of the aisle getting comfortable with the idea of spying on and policing social media content is more than unsettling.


Image: Depositphotos

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  1. PTFloridians

    March 5, 2022 at 1:18 pm

    DON’T fall into the Liberal tactic of censorship…leave it out there…folks can think for themselves and sort it out.

  2. PTFloridians

    March 5, 2022 at 11:19 pm

    …AND… DON’T FORGET the school district tax relief for the retired taxpayer that we’ve been hearing about for years now. We need action for the taxpaying citizen, not censorship relative to social media.

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