It’s just around the corner, so now is a very good time to start planning what things to give up for Lent.
Since Lent is a time to prepare for Easter by repenting, we have prepared a list of some helpful (and funny!) things to consider giving up for Lent! Read on and let us know what you will be giving up!
Lent in 2019 is from March 6 through April 18. Easter Sunday is April 21, 2019.
Things to Give Up for Lent
Your Favorite Food
This is a tricky one but to get the most out of Lent, you need to go without something you really love! So, why not your favorite food? The advantage of this is that you will appreciate it even more after Lent!
It is rare to meet anyone who doesn’t drink soda (even the diet ones). Soda is tasty and convenient and giving it up will not only be a sacrifice for you but it will also be healthier.
Talking about others behind their backs is simply nasty. If you have a habit of gossiping, now would be a great time to try and break the habit. You will become a better person for it!
Screen Time
This can be a difficult one because screen time essentially means no TV, smartphones, tablets or computers (except for work). Giving up screen time can help you to realize that there is more to life than sitting in front of a device.
New Clothes
If you are a shopaholic, not buying any new clothing for the Lent period could be a big challenge for you. In doing so, it will help you to re-evaluate your priorities (and save you money).
Instead of buying something, donate an item a day to the local needy. Since Lent is also a time to be kind to others, collect one item you no longer use (such as clothing or a household item) per day and when Lent comes to a close, you will have a sizable donation for the needy.
Take-out Meals
Most of us like to eat take-out. Sometimes, there’s just no time or energy to make a meal — so we think. Many folks eat out at least once a week and, if this sounds like you, consider not eating out for Lent.
Listening to Music in the Car — Including NPR, Nerds!
Do you think you could drive in silence? Try it and you will find that you have a lot of things to contemplate.
Most people love to sit back and unwind with a cold one at the end of a tough day. Giving up alcohol for Lent can be a challenge but will show you that you don’t need alcohol to relax!
Meat lovers will find this particularly difficult! Don’t eat any meat (including chicken) for the period of Lent and you will appreciate it that much more afterwards!
Similar to meat, if you have a sweet tooth you may wish to consider giving up sweet treats for Lent! No sugar high for Lent will be a trying time for you!
Yes, swearing can be a highly effective way of expressing yourself, especially if you have just bumped your knee or elbow. However, if you tend to sear a lot, why not try and not swear for the duration of Lent? It could be hard but by doing this, you will learn to use better words to express yourself.
You actually probably shouldn’t wait until Lent to give this up.
Schuylkill Things to Give Up for Lent
These are the things to give up for Lent that generate the most bristle out of Schuylkill County residents.
Beef Sticks
You don’t know who’s been sticking their hands in that tub at the convenience store before you and you don’t know where they’ve been. And they’re NOT breakfast.
Guers Iced Tea
They’ll have to take it from our cold, dead hands.
Downtown Pottsville at Night
Nothing to see here. Move along, people!
I’m never gonna give you up. I’m never gonna let you down.
Funny Things to Give Up for Lent
Instagram Filters
You may love Instagram filters for the way they blur away your imperfections and make you look like a rock star but they can be highly annoying and ridiculous for your followers. Keep it real during Lent and post any photos without a filter.
Backseat Driving
You have no idea how irritating it is when you have a backseat driver. Don’t be that person and rather trust the driver to make the decisions – you will be better liked for it!
Texting While Driving
It definitely would not be funny if you had a car accident while texting and driving. Sending texts while you drive can be handy but stop doing it and be a better driver for Lent!
What are you giving up for Lent? Do you always follow through or will you account for your broken promises in the future?
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