Supervisors in Blythe Township approved a motion to instruct their Solicitor to prepare a right-of-way easement for the soon-to-be-built leachate pipeline from the Blythe Recycling and Demolition Site (BRADS) Landfill.
Solicitor Gino DiNicola told supervisors at their regular monthly meeting on Sept. 4 that Waste Connections, the company that owns BRADS Landfill on Burma Rd. is “moving pretty quickly” on the construction of a leachate pipeline from the landfill leading toward the Schuylkill Valley Sewer Authority in Cumbola.
In order to construct this massive pipeline, the company will need to cross several private properties but also go across Eagle Hill Rd. in Blythe Twp. to get to the sewer interceptor at Eagle Hill and Silver Creek roads.
Eagle Hill Rd. is essentially a dirt road and to cross it, Waste Connections would just go under it with its pipeline, DiNicola said.
DiNicola said he’s under the belief that the state’s Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) is getting on Waste Connections to get this leachate line constructed, which was supposed to be constructed when the landfill was first approved.
Supervisor John Bowers tells The Canary that he believes the leachate pipeline should help reduce some of the truck traffic, especially that going through Saint Clair.
In lieu of the pipeline, leachate has been trucked away from BRADS Landfill. Bowers says he doesn’t believe the landfill is going to completely stop trucking leachate from the facility because it wants to maintain a hauler in the event something happens with the pipeline.
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