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Coal Region Canary
Coal Region CanaryCoal Region Canary

Local Entertainment

Local Band Profile Form

Fill out our form to share information about your band.

Info collected by this form will be used to create a Q&A-style article with our readers. Please be sure to answer questions using full sentences or just as you would if someone were asking you these same questions face-to-face.

List each band member and what they play.
Where is your band based?
Where can fans reach your band by email?
Click or drag files to this area to upload. You can upload up to 3 files.
Share up to 3 photos of your band that we can use in your profile article. Please ensure you have permission to share the photos (if they're not owned by you or your band).
Click or drag a file to this area to upload.
Share an audio clip or song file that we can share with readers.

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