Schuylkill County Commissioners met Wednesday for the final time before the big Municipal Election on Nov. 7.
The upcoming election wasn’t mentioned by any of the candidates, oddly, but parts of the meeting Agenda definitely had some strong propaganda vibes, including a random presentation on the County government’s Moody’s rating.
Commissioners did also unanimously approve a resolution (that apparently hasn’t been fully drafted yet) regarding the biosolids producer in Frailey Township. You can read more about that here.
You’ll want to pay particular attention to the end of this week’s meeting for a full-throated discussion among Commissioners regarding one on the board allegedly violating a federal Consent Decree on when he’s allowed in the Courthouse.
The conversation among the Commissioners got rather animated.
Also, note how many times Chairman Boots Hetherington threatened to throw people out of the Board Room. (NOTE: Not seen in this video is an actual ejection, of GOP Primary candidate Jeff Dunkel, during today’s Salary Board meeting which followed this Work Session.)
Here is full video of today’s Work Session meeting:
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Thank you for posting the meeting video. I was very disappointed that Gary Hess backed off and didn’t zero in on Halcovage, who seemed to be providing the opportunity. Status quo for Hess- not enough backbone to stand up and do the tough thing that needs to be done. No votes from me for any of these jokers.
Dear Canary, thank you for restlessly posting these useless boring Schuylkill County comissioners’ meetings videos. My personal record is I started snoring only after 10 minutes of it, not before:))
These three elected officials can’t even coordinate their eyesight: two of them are looking to the left and another one looking down, like he is reading some notes from his psychologist or some world news.. B-O-R-I-N-G
Glad we could help you get some sleep. Science says sleep is crucial to maintaining a healthy body and mind.
The Commissioners are often looking to the side because they’re looking at a person speak during Public Comment. We’re advancing the tech to allow us to show both the speaker and the Commissioners at the same time. Secondly, the one Commissioner is reading verbatim from the Agenda. And yes, that portion is incredibly boring. What should we do to increase the fun factor? How about a laugh track? Maybe a theme song?
Not sure a laugh track or a theme song will help: the Commissioners look like Schuylkill County itself. The first time I’ve seen SC was 15 years ago. Guess what? It’s still looks the same, no matter what angle you are looking from. Some fresh faces might create the fun factor, imho. Good luck!
Why no reply from commissioners to the man concerned about property taxes, vets, and elderly? Very disrespectful not to say ANYTHING!
We have 50 states, why not look at how each of them handle property and get ideas, rather than assuming the way it has always been done it the only way. At least freeze taxes for seniors and vets.
November 3, 2023 at 8:48 am
Thank you for posting the meeting video. I was very disappointed that Gary Hess backed off and didn’t zero in on Halcovage, who seemed to be providing the opportunity. Status quo for Hess- not enough backbone to stand up and do the tough thing that needs to be done. No votes from me for any of these jokers.
November 3, 2023 at 4:12 pm
Dear Canary, thank you for restlessly posting these useless boring Schuylkill County comissioners’ meetings videos. My personal record is I started snoring only after 10 minutes of it, not before:))
These three elected officials can’t even coordinate their eyesight: two of them are looking to the left and another one looking down, like he is reading some notes from his psychologist or some world news.. B-O-R-I-N-G
Canary Commenter
November 5, 2023 at 8:05 am
Glad we could help you get some sleep. Science says sleep is crucial to maintaining a healthy body and mind.
The Commissioners are often looking to the side because they’re looking at a person speak during Public Comment. We’re advancing the tech to allow us to show both the speaker and the Commissioners at the same time. Secondly, the one Commissioner is reading verbatim from the Agenda. And yes, that portion is incredibly boring. What should we do to increase the fun factor? How about a laugh track? Maybe a theme song?
November 5, 2023 at 9:37 am
Not sure a laugh track or a theme song will help: the Commissioners look like Schuylkill County itself. The first time I’ve seen SC was 15 years ago. Guess what? It’s still looks the same, no matter what angle you are looking from. Some fresh faces might create the fun factor, imho. Good luck!
Vi Economos
November 7, 2023 at 1:19 pm
Check Out Mary Jo Moss for write-in commissioner
Vi Economos
November 7, 2023 at 1:34 pm
Why no reply from commissioners to the man concerned about property taxes, vets, and elderly? Very disrespectful not to say ANYTHING!
We have 50 states, why not look at how each of them handle property and get ideas, rather than assuming the way it has always been done it the only way. At least freeze taxes for seniors and vets.