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These AI Images of Trump Through History are HILARIOUS! (And Fake)

An AI image of Donald Trump standing with George Washington at Mt. Vernon.

People and businesses are using artificial intelligence for countless tasks and jobs.

And while there are countless real-world things AI can help you accomplish, you can also use it to create a lot of fun. One recent Twitter thread proves you can use it to drive people crazy, too.

On June 4, Twitter user @dom_lucre (Dom Lucre | Breaker of Narratives) shared an image of former President Donald Trump shaking hands with Martin Luther King Jr. His tweet with the image reads: “Rare image of Donald Trump with Martin Luther King Jr. Before the infamous riot of Selma Alabama. This is a Trump appreciation Thread: share your favorite iconic moments of Donald Trump through history.”

Now, obviously this is fake, for obvious reasons. But the not-so-obvious … Trump has about 12 fingers on the hand he’s using to shake King’s hand.

Dom Lucre, in a follow-up tweet, said he shared the image to trigger liberals.

His post inspired a lot more hilarious images of Trump throughout history. Here are some of the best (many from user @Brick_Suit:

We got in the act using ChatGPT and Midjourney, too …

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