Not long after it was nearly robbed by the Hazmat Suit Bandit, a Schuylkill County business says someone recently made off with a new ATV.
According to State Police in Schuylkill Haven, two men showed up at Schaeffer’s Motor Sports, along Route 61 in West Brunswick Twp. outside Orwigsburg on Jan. 7 in the middle of the night.
The men arrived in a dark-colored Dodge Ram pickup at around 3:40 a.m. The truck had a lift package, a yellow tow light bar on its roof, a ladder rack, and tool compartments on either side of the truck bed.
The men allegedly drive the truck to the southwest corner of Schaeffer’s Motor Sports, where they find storage crates that contain new ATVs. Police say the men broke into the crates using a winch and were able to successfully take a 2022 Can-Am Outlander Max DPS 570 in Tundra Green. The ATV is valued at $9,349, police say.
The men put the ATV on the trailer attached to their pickup and made off with it south on Route 61.
If this story sounds remotely familiar, it should.
Back on Dec. 19, a person dressed in a hazmat suit showed up at Schaeffer’s and followed nearly the same pattern, without the pickup. The suited would-be bandit was able to find a crate containing a new ATV but damaged the vehicle while trying to uncrate it and fled the scene.
Police are asking anyone with information on the latest reported theft to contact the State Police barracks in Schuylkill Haven at 570-754-4600.
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