We’re starting to see some local school districts decide to close their doors due to rising cases of COVID-19 in Schuylkill County.
But is this a good idea?
The CDC says it’s a bad idea and that school may be the safest place for children. But some concerned parents and teachers believe the decision to close schools is past due. (READ: Are Some Schuylkill County Schools Denying Science and Trusting the Teachers Unions?)
Now, the Pennsylvania Dept. of Health suggests schools close and go to a full-virtual classroom format until community spread of the virus comes down significantly. But the CDC, as we noted, believes otherwise.
So, what do you think?
Should Schuylkill County schools close due to the rising number of reported COVID-19 cases?
Answer ‘Yes’ or ‘No’ in the poll below.
Photo: License purchased via Depositphotos.com
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