It appears WNEP-TV has finally filled the vacancy created when Sharla McBride left the station earlier this year.
The New Pittsburgh Courier is first to report that KDKA-TV (Pittsburgh) anchor and reporter Lisa Washington will join WNEP and become an anchor of the evening news.
Washington will move to the anchor desk at WNEP and work the 6:00, 7:00, 10:00 and 11:00 newscasts nightly. Washington’s first day on the job at WNEP is expected later this month, according to the source.
McBride left WNEP back in March to take a job in sports at WUSA-TV in Washington, D.C.
When McBride left WNEP, the station let news anchor Scott Schaffer man the anchor desk alone through much of this year. Now, it appears those days alone at the desk are coming to an end.
Schaffer acknowledged his employer’s new hire on Twitter Friday morning:
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