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Coronavirus in Pennsylvania

Now, Wolf Kinda Says Masks are Required in Pennsylvania

are masks required in pennsylvania

*BREAKING – JULY 1* – Wolf Now Requires Masks in ALL Public Places

are masks required in pennsylvania

Another week, another update on whether face masks are required in Pennsylvania. This clown show has no end in sight, apparently.

And the man who apparently controls all messaging in Pennsylvania right now, Governor Tom Wolf, is back with his latest update. He needs to constantly update the public on this subject because every time he’s asked, he’s got a new answer.

The latest answer came Monday at a press conference.

Remember, a week ago, Wolf said, “No, they’re not required.”

READ: Wolf on Mask Requirement for Businesses – “They’re Not Required.”

This week though, he’s singing a different tune. Well, it’s kinda different. He gives another, different answer to almost the exact same question this week but follows it up with his almost trademark lecturing on why he thinks masks are important.

Tom Wolf Updates Guidance on Face Mask Requirement in Pennsylvania

So, on Monday, June 15, Wolf got asked once again whether masks are required in Pennsylvania. Remember, last Monday he said no but then apparently changed it mid-week to say they were. We must have missed that one.

Like we did last week, we get his words on this verbatim from his answer to the media.

Wolf said Monday, “Evidently, they are required. Technically, anyone in authority has the ability to say ‘You need to wear that mask or you’ll be cited’.”

So, in a week, we went from masks not being required to the idea that you could be cited for not wearing one in public or at a store.

Quite a turnaround.

And evidently? As firm as he tries to sound, he leaves the door open for interpretation.

And the door’s left open for a lecture on how he believes wearing a mask makes you a good person who cares about others. Granted, he’s not as bitchy as a social media Karen who tells you how wonderful they are, but he goes about half-Karen here.

He said, “In practice, we have 13 million Pennsylvanians. Each and every one of them has to make a decision on their own as to whether they’re going to wear the mask or not. If they don’t, they’re putting the lives of their neighbors and family at risk. So, it’s a personal decision.”

So, is it a personal decision or a law or order?

He promised the questioning reporter on Monday that he’d have a staff member get the specific order … if it actually exists.

Why would he know? He’s only the Governor. And he’s made it clear that he’s in charge of the Disaster Emergency and no one else, except that staffer who better get that specific order.

Tom Wolf’s Bizarre, Totally Untrue Stop Sign Analogy

Wolf being Wolf and the lecturer in chief of Pennsylvania, he couldn’t just stop at “they are required.” And that inability to come to a full stop only leaves Pennsylvanians scratching their heads even more.

To continue lecturing us on why masks are important and perhaps should be required, he resorted to a Stop sign analogy that makes little sense to us.

Wolf added, “That’s why I keep coming back to the analogy of the Stop sign. I don’t remember the last time I saw a police officer at a Stop sign. And yet, people obey it. Well, they don’t come to a full stop often or always. But they do obey it and it’s not because someone’s there citing them if they don’t obey it. They’re obeying it because it’s in their self-interest to obey it.”

In what world does this guy live? We stop at a Stop sign because it’s the LAW. And we fear that there’s a police officer somewhere nearby who can see us not coming to a full stop and will write a ticket in an instant if they see us rolling through the sign.

Wolf’s clearly dipping into Fetterman’s head stash at this point. And if we’re police officers, we’re keeping an eye out for the Governor’s motorcade pulling these half-assed stops at Stop signs.

Totally clueless.

Analogy Lost, He Continued Lecturing on Being a Decent Person

But he wasn’t done there. The lecture wasn’t over.

He prattled on, “We have to understand that it’s in the self-interest of our family members, of the people we like, the people we hang out with to wear a mask. If we don’t, we’re putting their lives at risk.

“There should be no confusion in that that virus – which is the real enemy here – it’s not whether we have a guidance or regulation or who’s doing it or where it’s coming from … It’s that that virus is out to get us, each and every one of us. And everything we do to keep that virus from infecting somebody else, we’re doing a good thing. We’re pretty sure that masks work. We’re pretty sure that social distancing works. We’re pretty sure that staying away from big crowds … those things work. So, to the extent that we can do those things … whether it’s a legal or binding thing or not, we ought to do those things.”

It’s funny that the virus wasn’t the enemy when Wolf decided to join a Black Lives Matter protest on the streets of Harrisburg. The virus is only out to get us when we don’t wear a mask.

And sorry Governor, it does matter if it’s legally binding or not. What you think we ought to do doesn’t necessarily mean it’s the thing to do. If we went by what you thought we ought to do, we can obviously do whatever we feel is important or necessary for ourselves. It’s a “personal decision”, right?


Are Face Masks Mandatory in Pennsylvania?


On July 1, Pennsylvania Gov. Tom Wolf said Health Secretary Rachel Levine signed an order making face masks mandatory in all public places in the state.

Masks are required in Pennsylvania when you’re:

  • “Outdoors and unable to consistently maintain a distance of 6 feet from individuals who are not members of their household.”
  • “In any indoor location where members of the public are generally permitted.”
  • “Waiting for, riding on, driving, or operating public transportation or paratransit or while in a taxi, private car service or ride-sharing vehicle.”
  • “Obtaining services from the healthcare sector in settings including, but not limited to a hospital, pharmacy, medical clinic, laboratory, physician, or dental office, veterinary clinic, or blood bank.”
  • “Engaged in work, whether at the workplace or performing work off-site, when interacting in-person with any member of the public, working in any space visited by members of the public, working in any space where food is prepared or packaged for sale or distribution to others, working in or walking through common areas, or in any room or enclosed area where other people, except for members of the person’s own household or residence, are present when unable to physically distance.”

READ MORE: Wolf Now Requires Masks in ALL Public Places

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  1. David Catherman

    June 16, 2020 at 3:24 pm

    Touchy Tommy wolf the Worthless is obsessed with the tactic of Lecturing Pennsylvanians. Remember he previously indicated that Pennsylvanians have a Self Esteem Problem. Wolf’s self loathing compelled him to share the misery to all within the boarders of the Commonwealth.


    David Catherman MAJ (Retired)

  2. Coalregion12

    June 16, 2020 at 3:41 pm

    It is hard to believe that Gov. Wolf has PhD in Public Policy from MIT. With the analogy of a stop sign to wearing a mask, he makes himself a total fool.

    • admin

      June 16, 2020 at 5:34 pm

      Just went on a ride and was thinking … yeah, that’s a Speed Limit sign but pffft, no one really follows it, so 35=70. Yield? Screw it, reads like Gun It!. Waiting for a half-hour to get through the Red light in Cressona and couldn’t help but think of all those considerate SOBs in front of us. Why aren’t they just going? There was no cop there.

  3. PTFloridians

    June 16, 2020 at 5:43 pm

    I havent worn a face covering in area businesses for about 2 weeks…more people are becoming emboldened. Who is going to cute someone?…the mealy rent-a-cop scrolling Facebook?…the angry-lesbian type clerk at a random grocery?…the part time 20 something kid stocking shelves?…what does this goofball think, real police dont have real issues to tackle?…if store personel feel brazen andvangry enough to ask me about a mask, I’ll tell them i have “an issue” with mask wearing…if they go to the secong level, I’ll let them know its a violation of the HIPPA medical privacy…third level, i take my money elsewhere and call the BBB…this clown needs dealt with.

    • Reality check

      June 16, 2020 at 10:03 pm

      My friend at work got covid. He lost 32 lbs since Memorial Day, blood clots, 101 fever for 14 days and went to ICU for pneumonia. Wearing a mask is not protecting you, it is protecting people like him.

      • PTFloridians

        June 17, 2020 at 6:59 am

        Oh brother…
        Sorry to hear all that and hope he healthies up. But, if someone is that sick, they arent going out of the house, even IF they are at home. The whole mask think is a about masses of people, shopping, travelling, etc., not a single isolated person. Please don’t conflate the two.
        The victim/blame/shame game is getting old. There has always been, and will always be, sickness, illness, etc. to deal with, build immunity and resume life. This whole thing has spun out of control and been hijacked by irrational thinkers everywhere, to shape thought, frame narratives and perpetuate this seasonal event, into a state of mass hysteria. They’ve done well…it’s time to stop.

      • Bob

        June 27, 2020 at 9:04 am

        I have a feeling your friend had other health issues WAY before Covid ever came around.

      • mike

        June 27, 2020 at 3:33 pm

        nice made up story. my grandmother died alone because fools like you beleive fauci who should be in prison for his HIV AIDS fraud. you take care of yourself following your belief but stop forcing your insanity on others with the public safety bullying tactic.

  4. Pingback: COVID 19 Pennsylvania Road Signs Cost Big Bucks - Coal Region Canary

  5. Pingback: Are Masks Really Mandatory in Pennsylvania? Probably Maybe - Coal Region Canary

  6. PTFloridians

    June 17, 2020 at 10:56 am

    Center for Infectious Disease Research & Policy (CIDRAP), U. Minnesota:

    “We do NOT recommend requiring the general public who do not have symptoms of COVID-19-like illness to routinely wear cloth or surgical masks.”
    We do not recommend requiring the general public who do not have symptoms of COVID-19-like illness to routinely wear cloth or surgical masks because:

    There is no scientific evidence they are effective in reducing the risk of SARS-CoV-2 transmission
    Their use may result in those wearing the masks to relax other distancing efforts because they have a sense of protection
    We need to preserve the supply of surgical masks for at-risk healthcare workers.

  7. PTFloridians

    June 17, 2020 at 10:59 am

    So, there’s the latest “science” and “experts” for all our twitchy mask advocates to feast on.

  8. Jmjtusa

    June 17, 2020 at 4:40 pm

    …. but if RALPH levine says so in that raspy zer-male voice it must be so… anyone with b*alls knows who is running this sinking commonwealth… and it isnt the big, bad, wolf-etterman

  9. PTFloridians

    June 18, 2020 at 8:46 am

    Over the years, this state has become a cesspool…look at once great, booming cities and towns turned into abandoned buildings, shuttered businesses, decaying infrastructure, overrun by illegal aliens and higher taxes. People are exiting this once-great state in droves.

  10. Pingback: Tom Wolf Goes Full Karen on Mask Policy - Coal Region Canary

  11. Jane Smith

    June 25, 2020 at 7:36 pm


    • admin

      June 25, 2020 at 9:15 pm

      You seem very well versed in virology. And your damn CAPS LOCK key is stuck. Also, you can’t read very well. The About Us says we’re news entertainment. Maybe go find a site that conforms to your cherry-picked beliefs. All we did on the masks was report what the Governor and Health Secretary stated numerous times, often inconsistent with the last thing they said. “Everything is not a conspiracy against Trump” … no idea where that’s coming from. Perhaps try breaking the pills in half? What’s funny about what you say is, anything negative said about Democrats or Obama or Biden is immediately classified as a “thoroughly debunked conspiracy”.
      We saw they’re having a run on aluminum foil up at the Dollar Tree. Maybe your hat is out of tune or something. Sure, the foil you get up at Dollar Tree isn’t as good as the Reynolds but at just $1 a roll, you can afford to double- or even triple-wrap.

  12. Pingback: Wolf Now Says Masks Not Required in Pennsylvania - Coal Region Canary

  13. Pingback: Pennsylvania Now Requires Masks in Public Places - Coal Region Canary

  14. Pingback: Mask Watch Group on Facebook Outing Schuylkill County Businesses - Coal Region Canary

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