Pennsylvania Gov. Tom Wolf once again used the coronavirus pandemic to push his socialist far-left agenda.
The tone-deaf message from the governor comes just as he’s losing control of Pennsylvania amid his sloppy pandemic recovery plan.
Thousands of Pennsylvanians died due to his administration’s confusing and reckless decision to send COVID-positive patients into nursing homes, where they clearly infected non-sick residents.
Wolf’s been arbitrary and secretive in reopening the state. And at times, he’s said some puzzling things, like the time he told Pennsylvanians to commit unemployment compensation fraud if they didn’t want to go back to work because UC was paying them more.
It’s been apparent from the moment we realized our hospital system in Pennsylvania was never close to being overwhelmed that Wolf’s response was not about the virus at all. Instead, the virus and the panicked response serves as a vehicle to push his radical leftist agenda.
And on Tuesday, Wolf again pushed far-left talking points to deflect from his botched response and a, relatively speaking, underwhelming virus.
PA Governor Wolf Pushes for $15 Minimum Wage Amid Pandemic Response
The governor is holding the entire state hostage in his color-coded recovery plan with no parameters in place to fully get out it. As we learned recently, he changed the rules in the Green phase and that’s not the end. There’s something beyond Green but how we get there is a mystery.
So, with his plan to make his actions appear to be virus-related unraveling, Wolf is falling back on his motive now. That’s to push a radical left-wing agenda. And on Tuesday, he went back to one of his favorite issues: the Pennsylvania minimum wage.
Wolf tweeted this Tuesday:
As part of my pandemic recovery plan, I’m renewing my call for a $12 minimum wage with a path to $15.
Now more than ever, it's clear that $7.25 is not a fair wage. #RaiseTheWage
— Governor Tom Wolf (@GovernorTomWolf) May 26, 2020
So, as Wolf keeps tens of thousands of small businesses across Pennsylvania closed for months, many going with $0 in revenue that entire time, the governor believes it’s a great idea to now push a plan that would put tens of thousands of people out of a job for good.
During the pandemic response to the Chinese virus, Wolf’s decisions to lock down much of the state and so many small businesses put millions out of work. Now, his plan is to keep many of those permanently unemployed with his stupidest and most poorly timed statement to date.
Remember at a news conference weeks ago when Wolf was asked what employers should do if their employees refused to return to work because unemployment paid them more, he smugly replied to simply pay them more.
On Tuesday, he doubled down on that smugness and once again pushed for a massive raise in Pennsylvania’s minimum wage. Currently, Pennsylvania’s minimum wage is $7.25. Wolf wants it to immediately go up to $12 and then eventually to $15.
It may be his most reckless move yet. As sad as it is that thousands of Pennsylvanians have succumbed to this deadly virus, Wolf’s out to destroy the future of this Commonwealth with his leftist agenda.
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May 27, 2020 at 7:57 pm
what do you expect from the demon-rats…
Reality bites
May 27, 2020 at 9:08 pm
You are not supposed to make a career out of a minimum wage job. That is for students, part-time moms and senior citizens who still want to work. I did not go to college, so I had to go into factory work. My first job started at $8.20 an hour and that was in 1990. $15.00 minimum wage job will kill thousands of jobs. How in the hell is a pizza place or ice cream parlor going to be able to afford that?
May 28, 2020 at 7:44 am
This move would DEFINITELY put more small businesses at risk and ultimately closing. Most folks don’t think about the consequences of this move…think about it from a business owners standpoint, relative to staffing, hours scheduled, wages, healthcare options, fringe benefits, etc…this Governor, and many other Governors nationwide, seem hell-bent on destroying small business suddenly. The China virus edicts, the minimum wage shell game, rising storefront rents, parking money racket, etc. How can a small business owner knowingly take such risks and continue to survive, let alone thrive…?
May 30, 2020 at 9:47 am
In Democrat-run cities and states, you can get areested for opening your business, but not for looting, burning and destroying one…what a disgrace.
June 17, 2020 at 11:07 pm
I have worked with the working poor for years. Many people work for minimum wage paycheck to paycheck. It’s not a living wage and it needs to be raised. I understand small businesses side. The cost of living will go up. The prices of things must go up some but understand that there are many people working hard NOT using the system and having a difficult time getting ahead. The single moms, the students without parental help, the working poor period. It’s generational sometimes. Look beyond what you yourself have. There are others out there feeling it. They make too much to qualify for anything and too little to make ends meet. Been there, done that. Got out of that situation but not everyone does. Be kind.
Be thoughtful.
June 18, 2020 at 8:31 am
You got out of it and so can anyone else. Raising the minimum wage is only going to make it worse. Less jobs, less of a chance of making ends meet. Minimum wage isn’t meant to be a living wage. If it were, they’d call it a living wage.