Schuylkill County schools closing for 2 weeks starting today puts a burden on many families in the coal region, especially at meal time.
That’s why the federal government is allowing Pennsylvania schools to distribute free meals to students during the coronavirus break ordered by Gov. Tom Wolf on Friday.
Schools Can Qualify for Free Lunch Giveaways During Coronavirus Break
The state’s Department of Education is currently reviewing applications from individual school districts across Pennsylvania to participate in this lunch program. In the meantime, several school districts in Schuylkill County have already announced plans for free lunch giveaways during the coronavirus break. Here’s what we found announced through Sunday night:
Saint Clair School District Serving Lunch During Break
On Saturday, Saint Clair Area School District announced it would serve lunches to students while classes are dismissed on coronavirus fears.
The school will serve the following municipalities with lunch:
- Arnot’s Addition
- Cumbola
- Middleport
- New Philadelphia
- Saint Clair
These lunches are served at the following times and locations, per the school district:
- Saint Clair Area School District from 11 a.m. until noon – Serving at the cafeteria ramp. If it’s raining, go to the main entrance in the parking garage.
Saint Clair Area School District vehicles will also be found here at the following times:
- Arnots Addition: in the Cherry Street parking lot from 11:30 a.m. until noon
- Cumbola: outside the Firehouse from 11-11:30 a.m.
- New Philadelphia: outside the firehouse from 11:45 a.m. – 12:15 p.m.
- Middleport: at the Schuylkill Valley Falcons Teener League Field from 12:30-1 p.m.
Mahanoy Area Offering Free Lunches During Coronavirus Break
Mahanoy Area School District is offering free lunches to anyone under the age of 18 while schools are closed due to coronavirus fears.
The school posted to its Facebook page on Sunday saying the free lunch service begins Wednesday, March 18.
The school set up 2 locations in the borough to pick up a free lunch:
- The school bus parking lot (Mahanoy Area transportation lot)
- East End Park
Pick-up times are from 11:30 a.m. until 12:30 p.m.. School officials stress that it’s a “grab-and-go” situation with the free lunch giveaway. No hanging around the scene.
“There will be no congregating to eat and you must exit the property as soon as you are given the lunch. No one is permitted on school grounds while we are closed,” the school says.
Free lunches from Mahanoy Area are available to anyone under 18. And it’s open to anyone, not just Mahanoy Area students.
Pine Grove Area Offers Free Lunch Starting March 17
Pine Grove Area School District offers free lunch to students starting on Tuesday, March 17. These are grab-and-go bagged lunches. And students don’t have to be part of the Free or Reduced Lunch program to get a free meal while school is dismissed on coronavirus fears.
Lunches from Pine Grove Area are available at two locations within the district:
- North End Fire Co. parking lot
- Tremont borough building, outside the former Tremont school
People can either walk to or drive up to these locations to get their sack lunch. Lunches include a meat sandwich, chips or something similar, fresh fruit, fresh vegetable, a milk or water, depending on the day.
“The district would like to directly thank Mr. Bernie Kelly, Metz Food Services Manager, and all of the wonderful cafeteria employees who have done an amazing job preparing for this venture,” Pine Grove Superintendent Heath Renninger writes in a letter to parents on Saturday.
Renninger says anyone wanting to volunteer to this cause can email Kelly directly at
The district asks for patience ahead of time as they take on a task like this for the first time. “We have never attempted anything of this nature. If we run out, we will make more. We need your patience and support along the way.”
Local Organization Offers Free Lunch in Pottsville Communities
There’s an organization called Dustin’s Adventureland that’s organizing private donations to distribute free lunches during the coronavirus outbreak for students in parts of Pottsville Area School District. This is not organized by the school district.
Check out our post on how to get those lunches: Pottsville Area Group Organizing Free Lunch for School Kids During Coronavirus Break
Lunches Available in Ringtown and Union Township
According to the Schuylkill County Emergency Management Agency, free student lunches are available in the Ringtown and Union Township areas.
St. John’s Lutheran Church, St. Paul’s, the Ringtown Rotary and Ringtown Food Pantry are partnering to offer these lunches on weekdays during the coronavirus break. You can pick up these lunches between 11:30 a.m. and 12:30 p.m. at:
- St. John’s Lutheran Church, 106 W. Main St.
Organizers urge people wanting these free lunches to call ahead so they’re prepared but it’s not required. If you need more information, call 570-889-3755 or 973-906-9636.
Shenandoah Valley Offering Grab-and-Go Lunch Starting March 18
Shenandoah Valley School District is offering a similar grab-and-go style lunch for students starting Wednesday.
You can get the free lunch between 11:30 a.m. and 12:30 p.m. outside the elementary school parent drop-off area. These lunches are free to all Shenandoah Valley students and no ID is required, the school says.
Lunches include a cold sandwich, fresh vegetable, fresh fruit, and a milk.
“I would like to thank our support staff, administrators and Theresa Knipe, director of food services, for their dedication to our students in the preparation and serving of lunches,” Brian Waite, SV Superintendent, says in a statement Monday.
Williams Valley Adds Lunch and Breakfast Pick-ups During Coronavirus Break
Williams Valley School District says it’ll continue food service during the coronavirus break. However, theirs is a tad different.
Starting Wednesday, March 18, any students 18 and under get a lunch and a breakfast for the following day. On Friday, students will get a lunch and breakfast, according to information from the Schuylkill County Emergency Management website.
Meals will be distributed on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays from 11:30 a.m. until 12:30 p.m. during the mandatory break.
You can get meals at the following locations
- Williams Valley Jr.-Sr. High School
- Williamstown Community Center
- Wiconisco firehouse
Pottsville Area Offering Free Lunch and Breakfast
In a program which started Thursday, March 19, Pottsville Area School District is offering students 18 years and younger a free lunch and breakfast in grab-and-go fashion. The meals will be available for pick-up behind the Lengel Middle School at the team entrance to Martz Hall, across from the cafeteria entrance. These meals can be picked up between 11 a.m. and 1 p.m. daily.
“There will be no congregating to eat and you must exit the property as soon as you are given the lunch. No one is permitted on school grounds while we are closed,” the school says.
Minersville Starts Free Breakfast and Lunch Program March 23
Students in the Minersville Area School District can get a free lunch and breakfast daily starting March 23.
The district says lunch for the current day and a breakfast for the next morning will be available from 11 a.m. until 12:30 p.m. at the Minersville Elementary School on N. 5th St.
Lunches include sandwiches, fresh vegetables, fruit, and milk. A breakfast meal is also included with every lunch.
If you have questions, contact the district’s Food Service department at 570-544-4764, x2703.
North Schuylkill School District Shares Menu for the Week
Staff at North Schuylkill School District posted a menu for free lunches and breakfast for the upcoming week, starting March 23. These meals are free to students starting at 11 a.m. and can be picked up Monday, Wednesday, and Friday.
We’ll continue to update this page as long as schools are dismissed due to the fears of COVID-19 coronavirus and they announce plans for free lunch.
SPECIAL SECTION: Coronavirus in Schuylkill County
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Dummy Wolfe
March 16, 2020 at 6:20 pm
But only 10 at a time….. Our wonderful Governor….