A Sunday morning snow squall brought Schuylkill County traffic to a halt going up Route 61 north of Saint Clair to Frackville.

(Photo: Coalspeaker.com)
Our North of the Mountain correspondent from CoalSpeaker.com snapped these pics of a snarled 61. You can see that just a small accumulation of snow going upda grade can bring things to a standstill.
It even caught a few drivers being a little too ambitious. Credit to this motorist for being prepared with a snow shovel on board. That’s good thinking!

(Photo: Coalspeaker.com)
This truck driver had some issues negotiating the snow-covered grade, too.

(Photo: Coalspeaker.com)
Our correspondent describes the grade as a “parking lot” just after 10 a.m. and posted this to Facebook, where it’s capturing a lot of attention:
Frackville Truly is Another World
Anyone around here for long enough knows Frackville’s another world … for a lot of reasons. Chief among those reasons is the weather. Legend says it could be 55 and sunny in Pottsville and snowing in Frackville … or something like that.
National Weather Service did say last night that snow could accumulate in higher elevations of northern Schuylkill County, but used its infamous “north of I-80” geographic cut-off line. But remember, the weather in Frackville is its own animal.
And then there’s Shenandoah, too, of course. Another world all its own.
The team Shenandoah Sentinel captured some great shots of a blanket of snow over Shendo Sunday morning.
Now, according to a recent alert the Canary received on the phone, accumulating snow could still fall through midday Sunday in northern Schuylkill County. Rates of snowfall could reach an inch or more per hour, according to NWS.
Snow did fall in and around Pottsville Sunday morning. Some accumulation was reported but it’s mostly slush. The more south you go on 61, the more likely you’ll encounter just rain.
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