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Patrick Murphy Murder Case - The Latest

JUDGEMENT DAY NEARS – Trial Date Set in Patrick Murphy Murder Case

trial date set patrick murphy murder

trial date set patrick murphy murder

We have a trial date in the Patrick Murphy murder case.

According to court records, on Thursday, the judge set a trial date of Oct. 8. That’s when Magen Hall finally faces second-degree murder, armed robbery, and obstruction charges in the death of Pottsville businessman Patrick Murphy.

Hall allegedly killed Murphy on Feb. 28 at the Empress Hotel in the Treme neighborhood of New Orleans.

Murphy visited New Orleans with his wife, Kim, following a business trip in Arizona. On the night in question, the Murphys apparently were not together the whole time. That’s when Patrick Murphy met Hall, a prostitute, and they retired to the Empress Hotel to complete their transaction.

Trial Date Set in Patrick Murphy Murder Case

Judge Williams also scheduled a pre-trial conference in this case for Sept. 26.

At Thursday’s proceedings, Hall appeared with her attorney, John Fuller, of New Orleans. The Orleans Parish District Attorney’s Office was represented by ADA Sarah Dawkins.

Murder in New Orleans

Hall sits in prison since March 3, when she turned herself in to authorities who sought her in connection with Murphy’s death.

She and her attorney have stayed silent on the case for the most part. What little Fuller has said indicates Hall wants to fight the charges against her. Going to try pretty much confirms that.

During hearings prior to Thursday, Fuller fought against the second-degree murder charges, that imply some type of pre-meditation on his client’s part. He argues that Hall wouldn’t have used her own ID to reserve the room at the Empress Hotel that fateful night.

However, in securing a formal grand jury arraignment, the DA’s office got the robbery and obstruction of justice charges added against Hall. That indicates the DA’s office believes it has more evidence of Hall’s motive than they’ve let on so far.

If convicted of second-degree murder, Hall faces a mandatory life sentence in prison.

The District Attorney’s office does not comment on open cases, according to a spokesperson. And Fuller did not return a phone call from The Canary Friday.

The Latest

For the latest news in the Patrick Murphy murder case, including The Canary coverage up to this point, be sure to check out our special section of the site:

The Latest on the Patrick Murphy Murder Case

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  1. Rick Amortis

    August 28, 2019 at 3:11 pm

    It is what it appears to be. He attacked a young woman, prostitute or not, and she defended herself. I bet you Murphy’s wife is real proud too….lol. Innocent …act of self defense.

  2. Dannielle Hess

    August 29, 2019 at 1:39 pm

    There are numerous comments when “Mr. Perfect” was first murdered. Now, no one seems to care. He was only liked because he was generous and caring to his community.

    It’s sad to think his death was avoidable. His daughter publicly announced on Facebook that the media has it all wrong and that he was targeted for his watch / jewelry. lol….yeah, okay. He made his death bed, now he must sleep in it.

  3. Jill B.B.

    September 14, 2019 at 9:44 am

    Well we’re all sinners and I don’t recall reading about any witnesses who saw what took place in that room. No one should be judging anyone but the judge along with jurors this is our judicial System, innocent until proven guilty. Sadly there is evil in the world and we don’t know what makes people do what they do a lot of the time. I am praying for all who were involved and affected by this. There is enough hate in this world we should all practice loving forgiveness when I say all I’m including myself to. Judge not, and you will not be judged; condemn not, and you will not be condemned; forgive, and you will be forgiven. Luke 6:37. Lets all try to make this world a better place. God be with you,

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