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Schuylkill County News

Numerous Schuylkill County Roads Getting Oil-and-Chip Treatment Now Thru July

See which roads are on the list to get oil-and-chip treatment this summer.

Numerous state roadways in Schuylkill County are in line to get or have begun receiving oil-and-chip treatments.

You’ve probably seen the signs everywhere you’ve driven around the area and wondered when are they actually going to do this.

The oil-and-chip treatment has begun on some roads. And according to Ronald Young, PennDOT District 5 Press Officer, this will continue through the end of July.

He says oil-and-chipping is typically done on low-volume state roads as a means of extending the life of the pavement between paving and resurfacing. Oil-and-chipping can last between 5-7 years, Young says.

This treatment is applied to roads when it’s warmer than 60° and involves a sweeper, oil distributors, a stone chipper, rollers, dump trucks and a crew of about 21 people.

Roads are first swept clean of debris. Oil is then applied to the roads, immediately followed by a layer of stone. It’s then rolled and any loose stone is swept from the road.

Newly oil-and-chipped roads can be rather slippery and Young advises motorists to lower their speed on any surfaces that have just received this treatment. It takes about 2 days for the stones to fully bond to the asphalt, he says.

Here is a list of state roadways in Schuylkill County that are due to get an oil-and-chip coating through the end of July. Sections of these roads will get treated between now and then:

  • SR 209
  • SR 443
  • SR 895
  • SR 924
  • SR 1001
  • SR 1002
  • SR 2001
  • SR 2002
  • SR 2003
  • SR 2005
  • SR 4009

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  1. Jon J Bowman

    June 14, 2024 at 3:19 pm

    Great that the post signs that they are doing this work, but if you are on a motorcycle and see the signs, makes you turn around and avoid the area only to find out the road WAS NOT done yet. Signs should be covered until the work is actually done.

  2. Thomas

    June 28, 2024 at 11:02 pm

    Why are the roads being oil & chipped? There is nothing wrong with them. More wasted tax payer money. Whoever made this decision is an idiot

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