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Local Weather Alerts

Elevated Risk of Wildfire Spread in Schuylkill County Through Friday

Don’t flick your butts out the window today or tomorrow.

elevated wildfire risk in schuylkill county on thursday and friday

Central Pennsylvania, including Schuylkill County, is currently facing an elevated risk of wildfire growth and spread due to a combination of dry and breezy conditions, according to National Weather Service.

This afternoon, minimum relative humidity values are expected to range between 20 and 30 percent.

Wind gusts should generally stay below 15 mph, which would limit the potential for rapid wildfire spread on flatter terrain.

However, steeper south-facing slopes of ridges are more vulnerable to rapid spread due to increased warming, drying of fuels, and leaf litter from direct sunshine and exposure to the southerly breeze.

Residents are strongly urged to exercise caution when handling potential ignition sources, including machinery, cigarettes, and matches.

In case of a fire, the dry grasses and tree litter could facilitate rapid spread.

The risk of rapid wildfire spread is anticipated to increase on Friday, as the south to southwest breeze is expected to strengthen by 5 to 10 mph.

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