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Halcovage Protests to Continue Until Action’s Taken

protest of Schuylkill County Commissioner george halcovage april 24 2021

protest of Schuylkill County Commissioner george halcovage april 24 2021

The number of protestors outside Schuylkill County Courthouse on Saturday afternoon was about half of the previous two demonstrations.

But one of its organizers, Lisa Nagele Hollenbach, told us they’re not going away. And she feels it’s important to “keep up the pressure” on Schuylkill Commissioner George Halcovage to leave office.

Halcovage, of course, is accused in a federal lawsuit of sexually harassing 4 anonymous women identified as Courthouse employees. He’s accused of sexual assault against one of them. He’s endured weeks of protests and calls for him to resign and face possible impeachment.

He, saying he’s innocent, isn’t backing down. And neither is this group of demonstrators.

halcovage protest april 24

“It’s important to keep it consistent and keep up the pressure,” Hollenbach said Saturday. “There’s no movement in history that got their objectives met in one day standing outside to protest. We’re not giving up. We’re not going to go away. We’re still going to be here and we still want him out of the Courthouse.”

The group of protestors say they’ll keep coming back to the Courthouse to protest until they get the result they want – which is either Halcovage resigning or those representing Schuylkill County in Harrisburg beginning impeachment proceedings.

“As long as there’s no action, there’s a reason for us to keep coming out here every so often to let people know we’re still here,” she said. “We’re still watching and we’re still waiting and we still object to somebody who’s been accused of such heinous crimes being in charge of our county government.”


Photos by Coal Region Canary

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  1. TheTruth

    April 25, 2021 at 5:07 pm

    I now see why these protests are nonsense not going anywhere. Lisa Nagele-Hollenbach is a Hillary Clinton fan and supporter. This has been going on for nearly a year now and Halcovage has not been charged. We should ask why he hasn’t been charged, only accused by co-workers. The reason he hasn’t been charged could possibly be because there’s no evidence.

  2. Informed person

    April 26, 2021 at 3:39 am

    This whole lawsuit against Halcovage is nonsense, these ladies were just mad because George turned them down when they started to flirt with him,but George is all business, theres no time for hanky panky, now these protesters are after George, they want him so bad, can see it it the pictures of them drooling. George is innocent!!

    • Just sayin

      April 26, 2021 at 11:34 am

      Ha, as if. Don’t be mad they’re not backing down. There is a federal lawsuit pending on george…he needs to go asap. It’s embarrassing for himself and his family. I spoke with Dave Argall the day before the protest and he wants George to stop being stubborn and leave.

  3. Concerned Parent

    April 27, 2021 at 1:00 pm

    blah blah blah…. a total of 12 people asking an elected official representing 141,000 people to leave office….

    Seriously buy a clue and get a life… Federal Lawsuit, by whom, the Easter Bunny>???

    • Just sayin

      May 2, 2021 at 8:42 pm

      Look it up. 4 coworkers. Hello?…

  4. Edward B Connolly

    April 28, 2021 at 11:03 pm

    I respectfully suggest that the only resigning that is called for is this: That the protesters resign themselves to the reality that Commissioner Halcovage has no intention of resigning. We the People elected him to serve a four-year term. He owes it to us to complete his term to the best of his ability, and we owe it to him to let him do so free from harassment. If anyone has tangible evidence that he has committed “high crimes and misdemeanors”, let such evidence (not hearsay) be brought to the State Legislature. Unless and until then, let’s all just knock it off, and let the man do his job!

  5. PTFloridians

    April 29, 2021 at 6:14 pm

    These Leftist loons are hell bent on “cancelling” ANYTHING or ANYONE for ANY reason at all…no facts, no evidence, just hateful whackadoodles pissin n moanin about someone they don’t care for, but mob mentality and “cancel culture” rules the day for these low IQ nobodies…some of these females and women, in general, are no less vile, with their mouths and the raunchy filth that spews from them. Should we then go down that road…?
    …you get my point.

    • Just sayin

      May 2, 2021 at 8:43 pm

      The raunch in this case belongs to the accused who is being sued.

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