(Photo: Office of the Governor/Twitter)
While thousands of Pennsylvania small businesses worry about going broke, Gov. Tom Wolf wants you to know he’s so woke.
On Wednesday, Wolf joined a Black Lives Matter demonstration in Harrisburg, marching alongside hundreds of other protestors.
Tom Wolf Violates Pandemic Restrictions to Show How Woke He Really Is
Of course, it should be noted that Dauphin County remains in the Yellow phase of Wolf’s own coronavirus reopening plan in Pennsylvania.
The Yellow phase still strictly limits large gatherings of people. No more than 25 people is the rule.
We know this. Here in Schuylkill County, there are still plenty of businesses that can’t open their doors to customers. Many others have been forced to drastically alter operations in an attempt just to stay afloat. Thousands of people have been forced to unemployment.
High school graduates have been robbed of a rite of passage. And instead, they’ve been forced to accept a less than stellar substitute with these bizarre drive-by graduations.
This is all because of rules Wolf ordered to curb the spread of the Chinese virus in Pennsylvania.
Those rules he created must be followed with an asterisk though. Either the pandemic is over or they take a break for virtue signaling.
Clearly, they don’t apply to self-loathing white liberals trying to prove they’re not racists by joining a street protest.
I’m at today’s March Against Injustice and Gun Violence 2020 in Harrisburg in solidarity with our community.
Black lives matter. Racism must end. I am here to listen. pic.twitter.com/MoTYi7AtuW
— Governor Tom Wolf (@GovernorTomWolf) June 3, 2020
Like so many other times during the pandemic, the rules don’t apply to Wolf. Donning a blue face mask and looking painfully out of place, Wolf robotically marched alongside other protestors who remain upset at the killing of Minneapolis man George Floyd.
Levine Dodges Question on Protest Safety at Press Conference
Media members on the Governor’s beat asked Pennsylvania Health Secretary Rachel Levine about Wolf’s behavior on Wednesday. Of course, she defended his right to protest and didn’t express a single concern about the potential public health ramifications.
“The governor has always said that people have the right to protest and demonstrate and the right of free speech,” Levine said.
Note: It’s not Tom Wolf who says that. It’s part of the US Constitution.
But when small business owners gathered in Harrisburg in early May to demonstrate against his tyranny, Wolf and Levine lashed out at protestors then. While they did say it was their right to gather, they each questioned the protestors’ morality, noting how they could be putting themselves and their families at risk of acquiring a deadly virus.
And don’t forget when small businesses in Schuylkill County were ready to open their doors in May but Wolf called them “cowardly” and “selfish” for “surrendering” to the virus and showing their willingness to put others’ health at risk.
That didn’t matter on Wednesday.
“Overall, we want large gatherings such as … such as maybe a party or some type of concert or something to be under 250 people. But we are not restricting peoples’ right to protest. There are obviously significant social issues that are present that people feel they need to have a voice and so the Governor is always supportive of that and is participating in that,” Levine said on Wednesday at a press conference.
Someone should let the Health Secretary know the rule is 25 people under the Yellow phase, not 250. You’d think she would know that. But again, nothing was said about the potential public health risks taken by the protestors on Wednesday.
This is why you have reporters at press conferences. Levine is asked about @GovernorTomWolf calling officials coward and then marching today in Harrisburg. Wait for the end. pic.twitter.com/6VkaYyMpwr
— Real_Dave_La_Torre 🍿 (@David_LaTorre) June 3, 2020
Truly absurd behavior.
- ‘Freedom to Breathe’ George Floyd Protest in Pottsville Stays Civil
- Business and Social Life in Pennsylvania’s Yellow Phase
- The Green Phase is NOT the Goal – Wolf Conditioning for a “New Normal”
- Lebanon County Commissioner Against Going Rogue Goes Full Hypocrite
- As Pennsylvania Small Businesses Struggle, Governor Pushes for Job-Killing $15 Minimum Wage
- Coronavirus in Schuylkill County
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June 4, 2020 at 5:28 am
Looks like the whole social distancing thing is irrelevant now, except for high school graduates, barbershops, salons, restaurants, craft stores, etc, who still must comply, or be called cowards and selfish and threatened by Tom Wolf.
June 4, 2020 at 7:41 am
What’s crazy is that they seem oblivious to it all. As if we don’t see through the hypocrisy. They better contact trace everyone at the protest that got near him and make them quarantine for 14 days like the rest of us must. They’ll have another protest march against that and then he can call the same people he walked alongside cowards and irresponsible.
Don Nix
June 4, 2020 at 5:17 pm
The hypocrisy of the white guilt ridden social justice left is astounding. The endless displays on social media where they proclaim their “profound privilege” and profusely apologize for it and all the sins of being white in repeated attempts to show how not racist they are by constant virtue signaling. In doing so, they really come off as snotty brats whose parents still feed them with a silver spoon. People see through this hypocrisy now, leaders like Wolf’s days are numbered, good americans of all races just want to be able to work and take care of their families. If we could only be as morally superior as the hipsters in Brooklyn and San Francisco who don’t know or work with any minorities but put a BLM# on their instagram posts……
June 4, 2020 at 8:34 am
Just like everything else, the “laws” only appply to “law abiding” people, not the lawless. What’s worse, is now the “lawless” are not being prosecuted or held accountable, for their lawless behaviors, elected leaders included. Its time for change.
Dennis klinger
June 4, 2020 at 5:31 am
Don’t as I do ,but you’d better do as I say or there will be consequences
Linda H
June 4, 2020 at 6:15 am
I have few words . . . Not much to say, about the state idiot . . .
June 4, 2020 at 7:25 am
What is scary is how Dr. Levine said Gov. Wolf said that it is ok to have Free Speech and Right to Protest.
This idiot thinks that the First Amendment is from Gov. Wolf. HOW ABOUT UNALIENABLE RIGHTS DERVIED FROM GOD NOT GIVEN TO US BY THE GOVERNMENT!!
June 4, 2020 at 7:49 am
Did that trigger you, too? It’s laughable that they believe they are the ones who grant these rights. You laugh. Then you cry.
June 4, 2020 at 8:29 am
Crushing defeat of these socialist, hypocrite dictators and their types, for generations, is the only remedy for this behavior and inexcusable governance. The people of PA got what they asked for, just like the Hussein Obama cartels, with help from the lobbies and union endorsements…the landscape has changed…i truly hope we never allow this to happen again. Wolf and Levine be gone, you’ve kept your boots on all of our collective necks for long enough…
Linda H
June 4, 2020 at 8:45 pm
Did you all see the statement issued by the Pennsylvania State Troopers Association (President David Kennedy)?
Concerning Wolf marching along with people holding signs saying “Blue Lives Murder”?
June 4, 2020 at 10:04 pm
Louise Wesson
June 5, 2020 at 2:11 pm
Hunted all day yesterday (6/4) to see someone–anyone–noticing Wolf’s violation of his own rule–in two ways–he clearly was closer than 6 feet to men on either side of him, and he participated in a gathering of “hundreds” (about 10x his maximum allowed). Nothing on ‘the news’–no surprise–but nothing on Fox either. Not until this morning with State Police responding did I see ANY notice of Wolf’s forked tongue. Very good to see that you all see it too. Wish I lived in Schuylkill–but am in lefty Montgomery. Go Canaries!
June 5, 2020 at 3:26 pm
Thanks for your support. Honestly, we think it’s pretty easy to see through a politician’s BS. The media craves access to these people as if they think they have to earn it. Will rarely see them be critical. Doesn’t really represent the voice of the people. So, it’s no surprise many of them are hurting financially at this point. Most would take a government bail out to save themselves. Pretty sad.
David Catherman, MAJ (Retired)
June 5, 2020 at 11:50 pm
Wolf is part of the L3 crowd(liars, leakers & liberals). As Dr Mike Savage stated “liberalism is a mental disorder”.
Remember, the Self Anointed Assholes, those clowns believe that they are both better & smarter than You!
June 6, 2020 at 9:00 am
In his/her response which was less than a minute, “Um. Uh. You know” was said over 10 times. The more you say um, the more you are telling me you have no idea what you are talking about.
June 6, 2020 at 1:31 pm
Der Fuhrer Wolf was intoxicated by the smell of Levine’s Dollar Store parfum…
…Breitbart is reporting Wolf’s self-admitted “inconsistent” actions, waltzing with protestors…he said it was a “good cause” though…
June 7, 2020 at 7:43 am
June 7, 2020 at 7:45 am
He’s such a good little virtue-signaler…and such a good little Marxist, he’s all about “the cause”
June 7, 2020 at 10:03 am
We addressed those comments plus the “I took a real gamble” statement in this: https://coalregioncanary.com/2020/06/06/pennsylvania-governor-tom-wolf-took-a-real-gamble-black-lives-matter-protest/
If he can gamble, so can business owners and so can the general public. Not ending up on welfare and dependent on the government to live is surely a cause most believe in, right?
June 7, 2020 at 11:00 am
Excellent point…no reasonable person could argue that. In addition, no one that proceeded to challenge this issue, could lose in a court of law, due to the lack thereof, and Wolf’s own edict ignorance…just sayin.
Rachel Corner
June 9, 2020 at 2:41 pm
It is incredibly hypocritical of wolf to participate in a protest that directly violates his own lockdown. However, the protest is to stop black people from being murdered, which is much more dangerous than the pandemic
June 9, 2020 at 3:50 pm
What about Hispanic people and Asian people and white people and Eskimos? More white people die by police gunfire than black people nationwide. But the first part of your comment is definitely true.
June 9, 2020 at 4:26 pm
…and don’t forget black on black violence and homicides…it’s rampant nationwide, and not reported.
Rachel Corner
June 10, 2020 at 12:50 pm
You’re right. But police violence against all people is a real problem. The protests are fighting for regulations against that
June 11, 2020 at 6:23 pm
So…..people are killed by police officers, in overwhelming percentages, because they are armed and a threat to the officer(s) and/or others. Rarely, are unarmed people shot by police officers. Deadly force is the last resort of the “force continuum”, and ALL law enforcement is taught that, repeatedly. They are trained, in that case, to shoot “center mass” if deadly force is necessary. There are bad people everywhere…Teachers, Doctors, Lawyers, Correction Officers, Parents, the list goes on and on…the point is, excessive force and/or brutality is the exception, rather than the rule. There is no excuse for it. As there is no excuse for looting, burning and rioting, in the name of a longtime felon, who died by seemingly, excessive force. 2 wrongs do not make a right, and it’s a tragic event, no matter how you slice it.
June 11, 2020 at 4:51 pm
All of these “demands“ are being made, all the protests, killings, looting and destruction are occurring. What are the responsibilities of those committing these heinous acts? They should have to do their part, and realize that life is full of give and take, not just “take”.
June 11, 2020 at 10:18 pm
So, i wondered about something earlier, and lo and behold, whaddaya know, BLM is being used as a money funnel for the DNC and other prominent Dems. They couldn’t rub 2 nickels together a few months ago via fundraising, now…VOILA!…money in buckets, bricks, firebombs, pipes and everything else. What a scam. You owe it to yourselves to know this stuff…FOLLOW THE MONEY.
robert guerra
September 3, 2020 at 3:31 pm
There are more non-racists then there are racists
there’s always going to be racism you can’t stop it all of it.
Why doesn’t BLM have a cop rally for reform if they want to reform?
BLM protestors and the radical Left seem oxymoronic then they do rhetoric. so what’s really their message? vote democrat? Ever wonder where BLM Donations actually go? Even though The Internal Revenue Service stipulates that 501(c)(3) organizations are “absolutely prohibited” from making contributions to political campaigns… guess where it’s going to! That’s right, “ActBlue”….❄️😡 Black Lives Matter Global Foundation, Inc. fails to comment.”
Fact: In 2019 a little over a thousand people were killed by cops and only 24% of them were black Americans yet the fake war on racism continues
black people were shot by a cop then white people, the real problem with the black
community is 70% of them were raised fatherless compared to the 30% of
white people which would most likely cause the influence in lack of
education do to the lack of stability from not having both parents in their lives.
Quoted by an intelligent black Author of Hate Crime Hoax: How the Left is Selling a Fake War; had this to say ” Black Lives Matter is an oxymoronic and disingenuous organization” ~Allen West
if that doesn’t move you here’s another good read https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/48758366-the-iron-triangle?ac=1&from_search=true&qid=37qyFAsip5&rank=5
don’t believe distorted and bios commentaries from the Left why do you think some of the BLM youtube vids have comments turned off? free your mind and watch this trailer ~~~> youtube.com/watch?time_continue=1&v=QVLj-zARCv8&feature=emb_logo
defund the police means defund black officers and the new green deal means thousands of black men losing their jobs. too bad everyone that #walkaway from the Dems couldn’t sue the libelous media they were so maliciously pushed to believe…
also if your for BLM your for Aborting babies 9 month’s from a mother’s womb where she will be traumatized and mind trapped forever remembering that smell during and after the abortion “Abortion” how far is to far with the Liberal Mob?
Black Lives Matter is a Marxist organization and the only time black lives matter is when a “White” cop kills a black man,
and that is all, they don’t give a shit about black on black killing or black cops killing a black civilian.
Quoted by an intelligent black Author of Hate Crime Hoax: How the Left is Selling a Fake War; had this to say ” Black Lives Matter is an oxymoronic and disingenuous organization” ~Allen West
if that doesn’t move you here’s another good read https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/48758366-the-iron-triangle?ac=1&from_search=true&qid=37qyFAsip5&rank=5
don’t believe distorted and bios commentaries from the Left why do you think some of the BLM youtube vids have comments turned off? free your mind and watch this trailer ~~~> https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=1&v=QVLj-zARCv8&feature=emb_logo
defund the police means defund black officers and the new green deal means thousands of black men losing their jobs. too bad everyone that #walkaway from the Dems couldn’t sue the libelous media they were so maliciously pushed to believe…
also if your for BLM your for Aborting babies 9 month’s from a mother’s womb where she will be traumatized and mind trapped forever remembering that smell during and after the abortion “Abortion” how far is to far with the Liberal Mob?
Fact: In 2019 a little over a thousand people were killed by cops and only 24% of them were black Americans
Black Lives Matter is a Marxist organization and the only time black lives matter is when a “White” cop kills a black man, that is all,they don’t give a crud about black on black