On Friday, Lebanon County Commissioner Jo Ellen Litz, a Democrat, voted against her county going “rogue” in defiance of Governor Tom Wolf.
While her two Republican colleagues voted in favor of moving Lebanon County from Red to Yellow phase on the state’s coronavirus reopening plan, Litz voted against it.
According to the GettysburgTimes.com, she said, “I really beg you to reconsider this move at this time. It’s not worth the risk.”
Lebanon County Commissioner Who Voted Against Yellow Phase Move Busted Violating Red Phase Restrictions
Remember, here in Schuylkill County it was a squeaky Democrat wheel that got the grease last week when Gary Hess balked at moving Schuylkill County to the Yellow phase in an act of defiance.
Well, at least Hess hasn’t been caught doing what Litz did on Tuesday.
Clearly seeking attention for herself, Litz posted this moronic photo of herself and some other ladies from a local business on social media. We’ve added some context to it but haven’t doctored it in any way:
Her Facebook post accompanying this photo reads: “A little outdoor exercise with Georgie, some friends, and LaBlast. Yes, everyone is 6’ apart, and we’re outside in the fresh air.”
So, Litz is trying to calm any anger that likely would come her way by noting that no one in the photo is wearing a mask by saying “we’re outside in the fresh air.”
Now, her party’s leader in Pennsylvania, the governor, said this week he wouldn’t even go to the Jersey or Maryland shores even though those states have reopened beaches. And the governor does still encourage people to wear masks outside. In face, construction crews and other outdoor workers are required to wear masks outside. If they don’t they could have their businesses shut down or cited by police (per Governor’s orders).
But as we note, for people like Commissioner Litz here in Lebanon County, it’s Do as I say, not as I do.
She voted to keep the rest of Lebanon County in the Red phase and literally begged fellow commissioners to do the same.
So here are the obvious Red phase infractions she violated in one single Facebook photo:
Mask Required
OK, so we’re still not sure if masks are required or encouraged. That all depends on the day and whom you’re asking. But we’d guess that Litz is one of those folks who’ll lecture you on how your mask protects her and her mask protects you.
But … no one’s wearing a mask here.
Stay at Home
Under the Red phase she begged to stay under, Litz and others aren’t supposed to be outside unless for essential activity.
Now, outdoor exercise is OK. But is taking virtuous and self-adulatory photos of one’s self considered an essential activity? And for these ladies who are “exercising” outdoors, is idolizing hypocrites an essential activity?
Social Distancing
Litz clearly would not make it as a surveyor. She claims everyone in the photo is 6 feet from each other. That may be true of 1 person in that photo and perhaps the whole group is staying 6 feet away from her.
But as far as “everyone” being 6 feet apart? That’s the biggest load of horse shit since that one in Brockton last week.
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By tomorrow, all these ladies not wearing red will likely want to socially distance themselves from this photo-op.
Also, the red dress? Pretty ironic.
And who the heck wears a dress to exercise?
Large Gatherings
Per the state’s guidelines, large gatherings are prohibited under the Red phase. Under the Yellow phase, gatherings of 25 people or more are outlawed.
We believe the number under the Red phase is 10 but it could be as low as 4. But let’s give Litz a little rope here and say it’s 10.
In her infamous photo, there are 14 people. Of course, why would expect anyone who can’t measure 6 feet to count to 10 on their own.
Litz is probably one of those people who has to wash her hands by singing Happy Birthday twice because counting to 20 is too much of a brain bender.
So, Jo Ellen …
- Coronavirus in Schuylkill County
- Today Should Have Been the Day Schuylkill County Went Yellow. Instead …
- Are Masks Really Mandatory in Pennsylvania? Probably Maybe
- PA Opens a Coronavirus Snitch Line for Social Distance Warriors
- Second Wave of Coronavirus in Schuylkill County? Nah.
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Linda H
May 19, 2020 at 6:46 pm
Years ago someone with PEMA asked me if she was stupid, or smart enough to act stupid. I really was not sure. Well now I know, its both! She is stupid and is smart enough to act stupid!
She is into self promotion. Go check her page out. Made thousands of masks to give away, but had to take photos of herself doing it, so everyone would know. I was waiting on her to end up with self inflicted whiplash due to patting herself on the back so frequently.
Yes, I am from Lebanon Co, and not a democrat.
May 19, 2020 at 6:54 pm
Thanks for your comments.
And really, what’s the point of making masks for people if you don’t let everyone know how great you think you are?
Tricia Fitzpatrick
May 20, 2020 at 5:30 am
I’m amazed how amusing she finds this. People are suffering. Livelihoods are being lost. Children are not going to school. The enormity of this catastrophe in unfathomable, and I don’t mean the coronavirus. She is directly responsible for the economic destruction the Governor is creating in the state. Will there ever be justice?
Tricia Fitzpatrick
May 20, 2020 at 6:46 am
How disgusting that the County Commissioner finds this all so amusing. How she trivializes the suffering and anguish the community is going through as they face loss of jobs, loss of businesses and no schooling for their children. She is just as responsible for the economic destruction of the state as Governor Wolf.
Linda H
May 20, 2020 at 11:51 am
Have you noticed that narcissists are the biggest empty cans of all? They make a whole lot of commotion and noise, in the form of persistently shifting the blame and focus on others, while they live their lives wearing their phony halos, all the while betraying, lying, deceiving, using, and abusing people.
It’s just another one of their manipulation tactics, to steer you off the scent of their trail of falsehood and deceit. You frantically become so preoccupied with defending your own morals and conduct (over the minor infractions), while the narcissist sits back, and disguises his/her dishonesty, and utter lack of morality under a lot of meaningless noise.
Hypocrisy is the exact opposite of integrity. And she certainly lacks integrity.
Narcissists (a person who has an excessive interest in or admiration of themselves) will be the first to declare they are the most principled and perfect people on the planet, by regularly highlighting the real or alleged faults and minor wrong-doings of others. The more they shine the spotlight on the faults in others, the more moral they appear by comparison.
Dave Burger
May 21, 2020 at 2:52 pm
Litz is just a very typical example of how the ENTIRE Socialist Marzist Party (there is no longer a Democrat Party) is behaving across the nation. Throw the entire country under the bus, ruin millions of lives, create total dependency on them, its all about POWER and ruining Trump. Truly the devil at work. I hope that all voters remember this behavior come November and vote for the true USA party…..REPUBLICAN. SAVE OUR NATION.