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Coronavirus in Pennsylvania

Greyhound Continues to Bus People from NYC into the Coal Region

greyhound to scranton from new york

The bus company Greyhound continues to bus people in to Scranton from New York City amid the coronavirus pandemic.

James May, a former PennDOT spokesperson turned candidate for State House of Representatives, posted a video to his campaign Facebook page Saturday showing Greyhound buses inbound from New York, considered the “epicenter” of the COVID-19 coronavirus pandemic, to Scranton.

He then shows the buses departing the station headed for places like Old Forge and Carbondale.

Greyhound Continues Bus Service To and From New York Amid Coronavirus Pandemic

Last week, we all learned that Martz Trailways, another bus company, was doing the same. After public outcry, the company suspended service. Of course, they didn’t do it right away. They waited a full 24 hours or more before ultimately suspending that service.

Here’s the video May posted on Saturday showing the ins-and-outs of Greyhound buses.

We wanted to make sure you could actually buy a ticket from New York to Scranton. So, we headed over to to book a trip on their Get Outta Dodge special. We found that a bus ticket from New York to Scranton isn’t that expensive.

greyhound bus nyc to scranton coronavirus

If someone wanted to, say, go from Scranton to Pottsville, that’ll cost them another $37 via Fullington Trailways.

trailways bus scranton to pottsville coronavirus

We’ve all been told to stay at home and sacrifice our livelihoods for the sake of the good of the people, at the request or order of the Governor. That same governor has shut down many businesses’ physical locations statewide because he and the Secretary of Health believe it’ll keep us safer.

Meanwhile, we’re literally bringing in bus loads of people from New York City and urging them to “self-quarantine” for 14 days but we are in no way tracking that.

Now, for the record, we think New Yorkers should be free to cross the border, especially if they have a home here in Pennsylvania. And interstate travel is regulated by the federal government, not the state. However, bringing people in by the bus load?

But that hasn’t stopped state governments from lobbing criticism at the federal response to the coronavirus pandemic. Gov. Wolf has unleashed Attorney General Josh Shapiro to be the Trump-hating arm of his coronavirus response. He hosts a daily broadcast on Instagram Live in which he calls on the federal government to do more to help Pennsylvania.

If COVID-19 coronavirus spreads as easily and quickly as suggested by our public health officials, and it’s caused them to force thousands of Pennsylvania businesses to close statewide, wouldn’t this be one of the first businesses you’d act against?

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  1. Justin

    March 30, 2020 at 2:03 pm

    How about Fullington trailway doing the same thing from Shamokin and Sunbury to NYC and Philadelphia. This need to stop so the spread of this virus can stop. I say stop public transportation for awhile and watch the spread drops off.

    • Joshua Allen Walker

      March 30, 2020 at 6:42 pm

      Bus company subsidized have to run because if they dont they get there money from the state or the government. Thats we “Fullington” are still running for.

  2. Melissa Newman

    March 30, 2020 at 2:08 pm

    If we need to self-quarantine at home, so do they. They should not be allowed to leave their home to travel to other states. All 67 Counties should be closed and not allow people to come into Pennsylvania.

  3. Betty Boop

    March 30, 2020 at 2:39 pm

    Not just Greyhound, Fullington has daily line runs from Philadelphia and Buffalo NY right into Shamokin and Sunbury. They should be stopped. Catawese Coach Lines which houses Fullington buses on route 225 is still open, its office and garage staff forced to come into work every day and the cleaning crew must come in every night to clean those buses coming from infected areas

  4. Daen

    April 1, 2020 at 12:00 am

    I’ve notified Tom Wolfe in many ways to state just that. I am livid as we all should be. Mega busses still bringing people to state college from Pitts Philadelphia etc. this needs to END now

  5. Dis Infect

    April 3, 2020 at 10:21 pm

    Stinks like a foul odor to me. You people are guinea pigs. This needs Fox News attention. Greyhound and Trailways need to be roasted! God bless You, Mr May, You are a real citizen

  6. Dis Infect

    April 4, 2020 at 7:54 pm

    U gotta be absolutely nuts to ride those buses in a time like this.

    • Michael B.

      April 15, 2020 at 8:16 pm

      No different than an airplance, and plenty of people are still flying. Amtrak service still running to. Mass transit, which includes Greyhound, Amtrak, and, yes, all the airlines are an essential service and must keep running. Not everyone in NY is sick, you know.

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