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Schuylkill County News

Frackville Police Address Rumor of Bus Filled with Unknowns Being Dropped Off in Borough; Councilman Responds, Takes Responsibility

Councilman says he was relaying what someone told him.

Frackville Police Chief Paul Olson issued a statement Friday afternoon squashing a rumor that a bus dropped off 76 unknown people at the Dutch Kitchen restaurant early Thursday morning.

The rumor was spread Thursday night at a meeting of Frackville Borough Council by Councilman Brian Russell.

In a conversation with The Canary on Friday evening, after that statement from Olson was released, Russell said he said what he said based on what he was told by someone he didn’t know who approached him on account of his position as a borough councilman.

“I’m eating crow right now. I took them at their word,” Russell said. “I take full responsibility for my actions.”

In his statement, which was posted to the Frackville Police Facebook page, Olson said, “Mr. Russell also stated that the Chief of Police was already aware of the ‘reports’ of this alleged incident. It was implied there was a safety concern in the community. These comments made their way to Facebook, specifically the Frackville Community Page. They circulated throughout the Borough of Frackville and surrounding areas and filtered to the North Schuylkill School District, causing great concern and alarm. These allegations and statements were made with no validity and were pure speculation. Not only was this irresponsible, but it was dangerous as well.”

Russell said he and fellow council members discussed the rumor prior to meeting on Thursday and it was also discussed with Borough Solicitor Mark Semanchik.

Olson further stated that he and Frackville Police “worked diligently” with businesses and residents and said there was no evidence to support what Russell had said during the meeting on Thursday. 

“At no time did the Frackville Police Department receive any reports of anyone being driven to or around the Dutch Kitchen restaurant via bus and dropped off in the community. That statement was blatantly false,” Olson said.

Russell thanked Olson for investigating the rumor and said he plans on having a conversation with him.

“He did an amazing job,” Russell said of Olson. “He investigated it. He served the community well. He can put the community’s mind at ease.”

Olson further stated that if anyone has information about the rumor, they should contact Frackville Police Department at 570-628-3792. He also thanked businesses and residents for helping in the department’s investigation.

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