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Canary Announcements

Coal Region Canary’s Small Business Showcase

Tell Schuylkill County all about your business.

We understand that every small business has a story, a dream, and a unique flair that adds color to the fabric of our neighborhoods. That’s why we’re thrilled to announce an exciting opportunity for local entrepreneurs to share their stories and connect with the community in a truly special way: Coal Region Canary’s Small Business Showcase!

We invite you, the dedicated business owners of Schuylkill County, to step into the spotlight through our new feature: a Q&A style article designed to showcase your business in all its glory. Think of it as a conversation between you and the heart of our community – your customers.

We are not just looking for answers; we’re seeking stories, passions, and the personal touches that make your business stand out.

Here’s how it works: Fill out the form below. It’ll only take a few minutes.

Once you submit your responses (and photos) through our user-friendly form, the team at Coal Region Canary will weave your answers into a captivating Q&A article. This isn’t just another promotional piece; it’s a story – your story – told with care and shared with our entire community.

The aim? To not only highlight what you offer but to encourage our readers to embrace the joy of shopping local.

By participating, you’re not just filling out a form. You’re opening a door to new customers, renewed connections, and a chance to be at the forefront of the ‘Shop Local’ movement. Let’s show our community the strength and vibrancy of local businesses.

Fill out this form to get started right away! (You can have the questions on this form sent to you directly by emailing Coal Region Canary,

Coal Region Canary Small Business Showcase

Tell us about your business

The days and hours the business is open to the public.
A brief overview of what the business offers.
Any unique aspects or specialties that set the business apart.
Information on accessibility for individuals with disabilities (if applicable).

Tell us the story of your business

What inspired you to start this business, and how did your personal journey lead you here?
What unique products or services do you offer that can't be found elsewhere in our community?
How does your business contribute to the local community or participate in community events?
Can you share an interesting fact or story about your business that most people may not know?
What has been the biggest challenge you've faced as a small business, and how did you overcome it?
What do you want customers to experience when they interact with your business?
What are your future plans or dreams for your business? Are there any upcoming projects or expansions you're excited about?
What advice would you give to someone wanting to start their own business in our community?

Photo/image upload

Upload some photos of your business or request us to come take a photo or two of your establishment
Click or drag files to this area to upload. You can upload up to 5 files.

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