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USA Politics

Meuser Backs McCarthy as Speaker of the House is Ousted

Meuser is not pleased with today’s developments.

Speaker of the House Kevin McCarthy was removed from that position on a narrow-margin vote on Tuesday afternoon.

Eight of his fellow Republicans – vocally led by Florida Rep. Matt Gaetz – voted with 208 Democrats in the House to vacate the office of the Speaker.

One of those 8 was not US Rep. Dan Meuser (PA-9), who represents Schuylkill County in Congress.

Officially, the vote to remove McCarthy as Speaker finished at 216/210. Seven members of the House did not vote.

Meuser took to the national TV media and social media to voice his displeasure with the events leading up to McCarthy’s ousting. He said Gaetz is exacting a “personal vendetta” against McCarthy and believes it’s not productive toward his vision of a conservative agenda. He called him a “problem maker and not a problem solver.”

“The man is speaking in platitudes and pointing out problems. He has never offered a solution. And he has never, in his life being in politics, produced anything, actually built something,” Meuser said on Newsmax this afternoon. “He’s very good at being a destructive critic, not being a constructive critic. We need constructive critics. Anybody can point out problems but where’s the solution? You didn’t hear one solution in there and you won’t, because what he’s looking for is certainly the attention that he’s getting.”

By “in there,” Meuser was referencing a clip of Gaetz speaking on the House floor – which Newsmax interrupted Meuser to broadcast (clip below) – in which the Florida Rep. actually did outline some of the reforms he’d like to see in the House, which he believed McCarthy wasn’t going to deliver as Speaker.

Meuser, like he did when McCarthy was first voted in as Speaker, backed the ousted leader today.

“Kevin McCarthy has earned this position. We are on the brink … we have impeachment inquiries. We have a budget appropriations process. We have all kinds of problem, of course, from the Biden administration’s scandals that are being uncovered. There’s a lot of work for us to do,” Meuser said. “This whole operation of theirs is nothing but a significant setback. We wouldn’t be in this position if it weren’t for Matt Gaetz working with Democrats. We’re not strengthening our economy today. In fact, we’re weakening one.”

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1 Comment

1 Comment

  1. PT Floridian

    October 4, 2023 at 7:27 pm

    Too bad Muesli…Gaetz doesn’t “stand with the squad”… that’s disingenuous and misleading. Kevvie needed 15 voting sessions to squeak in while lying and making promises he couldn’t keep to everyone along the way… people are growing sick and tired of mamby pamby, lying and thieving elected officials. You carpetbaggers are getting rich and the common people are getting fleeced and shook down while you wine, dine and expand your portfolios on our dime.

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