Gas is basically $5 a gallon in Schuylkill County.
Well, it’s $4.99 and 9-10ths of a cent. And unless you’ve figured out how to split a penny 10 ways, gas is $5 a gallon.
This, of course, is another new record high for a gallon of regular unleaded gasoline in Schuylkill County. So, when you fill ‘er up this weekend, maybe you’ll feel a real sense of pride in paying more to get from Point A to Point B than anyone who came before you in local history.
No? Not feeling that sense of pride?
Don’t worry. This $4.99.9 for a gallon of gas probably won’t last long.
The price certainly didn’t last very long earlier this week when reported on a then-record high for gasoline, when the price hit $4.89. Literally just a few hours after we snapped a pic of the gasoline sign outside the Turkey Hill in Port Carbon, the price went up to $4.95.
We spotted the $4.99.9 price at the Mobil station that straddles the E. Norwegian Twp./St. Clair border. It was the same price in Port Carbon, too, and several readers have reported seeing this price in their area.
The price may hold for the weekend but don’t be too shocked if you go to fill up the vehicle for work on Monday and it’s over $5.
Gas Hits $5 a Gallon in Schuylkill County
We’re not the only ones experiencing record highs in gas prices. The nationwide average is higher than it’s ever been, too. AAA reports that the national average on Thursday was $4.71. The new national average, as of Friday night, is $4.76. And the average price rose 9 cents per gallon in the last week.
In Pennsylvania, the average price is $4.85. The average price in Schuylkill County is $4.87 but that reported price doesn’t reflect the increase we saw on Friday, so the numbers tomorrow will likely show an average much close to the $5 mark.
Bradford, Pike, and Susquehanna counties have the highest average prices, respectively, in Pennsylvania. Each is no more than a few pennies from $5 a gallon.
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Kim Groff
June 4, 2022 at 11:08 am
Yeah, yet the Biden lovers are too proud or have ego problems to lay the problem at the feet of President Skidmarks! Blame everybody from Putin to we, the consumers! Are you happy yet with your choices? HOWS THAT GROCERY BILL??
W. Gainer
June 4, 2022 at 3:22 pm
Grocery bill sucks too. Just read an article by BlackRock Investments chairman which said that inflation is clearly not transitory. He said it will most likely continue for about 1-1/2 years.
I am still waiting for our Republican leadership to make an effort to address the voter fraud and election laws that they allowed to be hijacked by the Democratic Party and Democratic majority State Supreme Court. Even if Wolf vetos it, they should be putting legislation on his desk and forcing his hand.
Their actions make me think they are part of this whole dirty deal. Argall claims they have hearings, that and $5.00 will get you a gallon of gas but, not for long!
We sure do not get our money’s worth out of Harris burg or Washington DC….
June 5, 2022 at 9:13 am
It’s sickening how we hear crickets from our representative politicians, Dem or Republican…doing nothing to offset costs for the common person…
…no talk of suspension of state gas tax (highest in the nation)
…no talk on eliminating property and/or school tax for retired or fixed income
…no talk anymore of unwinding the election debacle or fixing broken election issues
…no talk of remaining or unused Covid relief monies for dying businesses
…no talk, no action…none of them, in either party.
Oh, and BTW, all your “stimulus” money that they bragged about…you just gave it all back, for gas, taxes and groceries.
June 5, 2022 at 9:20 am
Oh, and I forgot about all the BILLIONS our elected officials were so eager to send to Ukraine and everywhere else…they were all over the news and newspaper smiling and so eager to give the green light to give money, equipment and food, AND take in refugees…
…but no relief or solutions for us here.