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Vote to Authorize Halcovage Impeachment Investigation Expected on Nov. 10

halcovage investigation vote on november 10

halcovage investigation vote on november 10

The Pennsylvania House of Representatives plan to vote on a resolution next Wednesday that would authorize its Judiciary Committee to begin an investigation into Schuylkill County Commissioner George Halcovage for potential impeachment.

If House Resolution 99 passes the body by a simple majority, the Judiciary Committee would start to investigate whether Halcovage should be impeached for alleged misconduct in office.

Vote to Approve Halcovage Impeachment Investigation Expected on Nov. 10

Halcovage faces a litany of accusations of inappropriate conduct while serving as Schuylkill County Commissioner. Foremost among those accusations is sexual harassment of female employees at the Courthouse in Pottsville.

Earlier this year, 4 women – identified as Jane Doe – say Halcovage subjected them to lewd comments and, in the case of one woman, sexual advances both in and outside the Courthouse.  The women filed a federal civil lawsuit against Halcovage and other Courthouse officials, blaming them for not doing anything to stop the Commissioner.

Halcovage has denied the accusations and resisted calls to step down as Schuylkill County Commissioner.

Since he’s taken that stance, Schuylkill County’s representation in Harrisburg has said they’re “obligation” to their constituents is to have Halcovage looked at for possible impeachment. That’s a process that starts in the House and would potentially be moved to the State Senate and then on to the Governor for approval and his removal from office.

Most recently, the Judiciary Committee said it would look into the investigation and that brings us to the potential passage of HR99.

In a joint statement from Reps. Jerry Knowles (R-124), Tim Twardzik (R-123), and Joe Kerwin (R-125), they say, “The House will be taking the next step in the process of the investigation of Schuylkill County Commissioner Halcovage.

“This is very rare for legislators to ask for an investigation of a public official. Unfortunately, under the current circumstances, we believe it is necessary. We have an obligation to our constituents and all of Schuylkill County to determine the facts in this case and proceed accordingly.”

If the House votes to approve the investigation, the Judiciary Committee will begin that process that will likely include the introduction of evidence of the claims against Halcovage and potentially subpoenaing witnesses to testify to them.


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