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Pennsylvania Lawmaker Proposes Mandatory Vasectomy Bill for Men at 40 or After Third Child

pennsylvania vasectomy bill

pennsylvania vasectomy bill

A Democrat in the Pennsylvania House of Representatives wants men to undergo mandatory vasectomies at age 40 or after they’ve had 3 children.

Rep. Christopher Rabb (D-200), writes in a co-sponsorship memo that he’s planning to introduce legislation in Harrisburg soon that would mandate vasectomies for “cisgender men” either when they turn 40 or within 6 weeks of having their third child.

Pennsylvania Male Vasectomy Mandate Proposed

This legislation has absolutely no chance of getting anywhere, if and when it’s introduced. Both the House and Pennsylvania Senate are firmly in Republican control. And as long as far-left legislators keep talking about issues like this, they’ll stay that way for a long time.

Regardless, the attention-deprived Rabb says in his memo, “For far too long, the public debate around abortion, contraception and related reproductive matters has thrust government into the center of restrictions on the bodily autonomy of women and girls. Rarely is there a meaningful dialogue around public policy focusing on the personal responsibility of cisgender men in this sphere.”

He says Pennsylvania needs to address this issue with “surgical precision” and “commit to mending the social fabric being sliced up by bitter acrimony.”

Rabb says by mandating male vasectomies, Pennsylvania would improve public health and “release sweet justice in our households and bedrooms.”

“We must wrap our love of individual liberty in the moral imperative of greater personal responsibility and acknowledge men’s essential role in procreation,” Rabb writes. “What’s good for the goose is good for the gander!”

Fine the Inseminators!

In addition to the vasectomy mandate, Rabb also wants to fine “inseminators” for unwanted pregnancies.

Rabb also wants to create a snitch squad who will apparently go around and report cisgender men who’ve violated the vasectomy mandate. His legislation would offer a $10,000 reward for the whistleblowers … but that doesn’t sound like the right term here in more than one way.

“As long as state legislatures continue to restrict the reproductive rights of cis women, trans men and non-binary people, there should be laws that address the responsibility of men who impregnate them. Thus, my bill will also codify “wrongful conception” to include when a person has demonstrated negligence toward preventing conception during intercourse,” Rabb continues. “In the spirit of this popular axiom, I encourage my colleagues to take a gander at this forthcoming bill that seeks to end this egregiously gendered double standard for the benefit of all individuals, our families and our great commonwealth.”

Full Text of Proposed Pennsylvania Vasectomy Bill Memo

Here’s the full text of Rabb’s co-sponsorship memo:

For far too long, the public debate around abortion, contraception and related reproductive matters has thrust government into the center of restrictions on the bodily autonomy of women and girls.

Rarely is there a meaningful dialogue around public policy focusing on the personal responsibility of cisgender men in this sphere.

The rights of cisgender men have always been paramount in our society with little focus on their
responsibility as inseminators to change their behaviors for the good of their partners, families, and society at large.

As we head toward climax on this heated discourse around this delicate matter, we should come together to address it with surgical precision. We must also commit to mending the social fabric being sliced up by bitter acrimony.

In order to improve public health outcomes and release sweet justice into our households and bedrooms, we must wrap our love of individual liberty in the moral imperative of greater personal responsibility and acknowledge men’s essential role in procreation.

Therefore, I will be introducing legislation that will require all inseminators to undergo vasectomies within 6 weeks from having their third child or 40th birthday, whichever comes first.

Further, this legislation will allow Pennsylvanians to take civil action for unwanted pregnancies against inseminators who wrongfully conceive a child with them.

This legislation will also empower Pennsylvanians to enforce this new law by offering a $10,000 reward for reporting to the proper authorities those scofflaws who have not complied with this statute within the allotted timeframe.

As long as state legislatures continue to restrict the reproductive rights of cis women, trans men and non-binary people, there should be laws that address the responsibility of men who impregnate them. Thus, my bill will also codify “wrongful conception” to include when a person has demonstrated negligence toward preventing conception during intercourse.

What’s good for the goose is good for the gander!

In the spirit of this popular axiom, I encourage my colleagues to take a gander at this forthcoming bill that seeks to end this egregiously gendered double standard for the benefit of all individuals, our families and our great commonwealth.

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  1. Frank

    October 6, 2021 at 9:25 am

    So all children who are the 4th or 5th, etc with the same father, and all children who were born after their father turned 40 should be killed?

    This is one insane liberal!

    • Rose

      October 8, 2021 at 11:17 pm

      that is not what it says. They are putting focus and blame on men. No more bed hopping getting women pregnant. so get a vasectomy after your third child or by age 40 no one is being killed what a stupid statement you made.

      • Frank

        October 10, 2021 at 1:09 pm

        You didn’t comprehend. What essentially this Rabb is saying and what you may be agreeing with is a 4th and subsequent child or a child born to a father over 40, shouldn’t have that chance at life because Rabb says so. Can you look a child in the eye and tell him or her they shouldn’t have been born because they already have 4 older siblings? I happened to have fathered a beautiful child (my 4th) when I was 44. According to this nutcase, and you, my child should have never been conceived. Pure EVIL!

  2. Cumbola Resident

    October 6, 2021 at 2:49 pm

    Democrats are insane. Look at the clown in DC now….

    • amos kutz

      October 6, 2021 at 5:53 pm

      Maybe so insane, but I think
      they want to restrict and limit current citizen populations and change demographics so that illegals can reproduce themselves at a greater rate. I can guarantee such a law would not be placed upon Muslim people or illegals. Illegals aren’t required to wear masks now, so they can help re-infect the local population, thereby helping to thin out locals a little bit more. We have had two states already put covid infected patients into hospital! Can’t wee see whats going on? Abortion mills running wide open. They aren’t aborting muslim women’s babies. Doubtful pregnant illegal alien women crossing border after being raped and abused will have their babies aborted. Abortion is wrong no matter who the baby, but for some Margaret Sanger’s doctrine lives on. The way dems think its quite a useful machine. The democrats want to eliminate all that stand in their way and redistribute wealth like candy to all the sorry people who won’t work and illegals who will work for low wages. Michigan or Wisconsin dems are trying to get rid of the electoral college. Can’ we see why? If Dominion voting machines aren’t used then they are preparing for new ways to swing it their way!!

  3. Dave

    October 6, 2021 at 5:41 pm

    Welcome to BLM.

  4. Fukliberals

    October 6, 2021 at 6:03 pm


  5. George P.

    October 6, 2021 at 9:15 pm

    This liberal whacko shouldn’t be a member of any type of Congress, he should be a member of the Nazi Party. But then again, that’s what the Democrat Party has become. A socialist left wing America hating party that wants to take away all your rights and use the Feds to do their dirty work. Anyone who votes Democrat after this clown occupying the White House, took office needs to be institutionalized.

  6. Anti-Rabb

    October 6, 2021 at 9:19 pm

    Representative Christopher Rabb, too bad your Daddy didn’t have a thrusting you into this World. The world would be a much better place without you and your Demorat comrades.

  7. Sam Lee

    January 24, 2022 at 10:17 pm


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