September 23rd is recognized as National Pot Pie Day.
Depending on where you’re from, pot pie could mean something that it doesn’t mean to someone else.
September 23 – National Pot Pie Day
For most people, pot pie looks like an actual pie. It’s usually a flaky pie crust filled with chicken and vegetables in a creamy sauce. (Pretty much like the delicious looking photo above.)
Although you can get some really bad versions of it in your grocer’s freezer, a homemade pot pie made in that fashion can be quite scrumptious. There’s nothing wrong with it.
But those of us in and near Pennsylvania Dutch Country know pot pie to be something different. In fact, it’s not a pie at all. It’s a hearty soup or stew with dumplings or noodles and no crust.
It looks a lot like this …
And we all know … If it ain’t Dutch, it ain’t much.
We actually belong to a Pennsylvania Dutch recipe group on Facebook and the purists there insist that pot pie can only be made with homemade noodles or dumplings. Our Fact Check team has determined that that’s false. In fact, The Canary’s nana used to whip up a mean chicken pot pie using bowtie pasta.
While we certainly like the mainstream version of chicken pot pie, our preference is with the Pennsylvania Dutch version.
Featured image: Depositphotos