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Mahanoy Area v BL

Satanists Mock Mahanoy School Board with Hoodie and T-Shirt Campaign

mahanoy area satanic temple hoodie protest

mahanoy area satanic temple hoodie protest

A well-known group of Satanists have launched a campaign mocking recent decisions by the Mahanoy Area School District.

The Satanic Temple is offering free hoodies to anyone at the school as a symbol of protest against Mahanoy’s exclusion of hoodies from the school dress code. Earlier this year, students had planned a silent protest of the dress code by attending school wearing the banned clothing.

However, no one apparently participated after they read a threatening and condescending letter posted to social media by High School Principal Stanley Sabol.

The black, zip-up hoodies feature The Satanic Temple logo on the crest but it’s really not about what’s on the outside. Inside, The Satanic Temple has included several different messages. Each hoodie has one of the following messages inside:

  • F*** the fascist Mahanoy School District
  • F*** Mahanoy’s petty tyrants
  • F*** Mahanoy school board in their smelly, dirty a**holes

The Satanic Temple Launches Hoodie Protest Against Mahanoy School Board

It’s a pretty clever message that combines two recent controversies within Mahanoy Area School District. Obviously, by offering hoodies to anyone at the school, The Satanic Temple addresses the hoodie ban. But the secret message inside the hoodie – that can’t be seen when it’s worn – clearly calls out the school’s actions against a former student over a foul-mouthed Snapchat message to friends that found its way in front of a cheerleading coach.

Of course, that’s the Brandi Levy case that Mahanoy Area fought before the US Supreme Court back in April. Her message of “F*** school F*** softball F*** cheer F*** everything” got her kicked off the varsity cheerleading team for a whole year after the coach was shown a screenshot of it. Levy’s family fought back against the school, won, but faced numerous appeals by the school, which was determined to prove that it was in the right.

A decision on that matter is expected in late-June but based on the arguments before the high court, it didn’t sound promising for Mahanoy Area.

Regardless, The Satanic Temple is not impressed, obviously, with Mahanoy Area’s school officials. The head of the TST, Malcolm Jarry, recently sent a letter to Mahanoy Area’s board members detailing the group’s objections to these recent controversies and how it plans to protest them.

“Your extensive efforts to control speech explicitly violate our religious tenets and our sacred mission to oppose tyranny,” Jarry writes in the letter.

Regarding the protests The Satanic Temple is launching, Jarry writes, “This will be an act of ritual defiance which we have carefully planned to avoid any disruption of your important scholastic purposes.”

The Satanic Temple claims to have 350,000 adherents worldwide and about 7,900 of those in Pennsylvania. In his letter, Jarry says it stands to reason that some could live within Mahanoy Area School District but really has no way of knowing.

FTMSB T-Shirt Available, Too

In addition to the free hoodies for students to wear, The Satanic Temple is now offering a T-shirt, available for purchase from its website, to let anyone show their disapproval of Mahanoy Area’s “tyrannical” decisions against free speech.

The black Ts feature The Satanic Temple’s logo above the acronym FTMSB (F*** The Mahanoy School Board).

Here’s a copy of the full letter sent to Mahanoy Area’s school board from The Satanic Temple:



Images: The Satanic Temple

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  1. Io Frey

    May 29, 2021 at 10:37 am

    If the school board is anything like their library’s board, it’s full of racist, power hungry big fish in a little, dying coal pond. I’d say f em too! Shout out to the satanists for standing up for our children’s constitutional rights!

  2. Anon E. Mouse

    May 29, 2021 at 11:31 am

    Slightly off subject; when the Court rules against the MCSB, I think the CRC should investigate how much all those appeals cost the taxpayers to argue this case before the Supreme Court. My guess is they spent at least $250,000 in legal fees!!

  3. Fukliberals

    May 29, 2021 at 6:17 pm

    Make a Deal with the Devil and the Devil ALWAYS WINS WITH INTEREST !!

  4. AndyL

    June 1, 2021 at 7:48 am

    Love that the kids understand how ridiculous these rules are having some fun poking fun at their principal for it!!!

    Gotta love it!!

    Keep it up kids! Their blatant hypocrisy needs to be pointed out…

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