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Coronavirus in Pennsylvania

The Green Phase is NOT the Goal – Wolf Conditioning for a “New Normal”

Streaking across the top of today’s mainstream local news source it reads that the Green phase of Pennsylvania’s coronavirus reopening plan is “the goal”.

Not sure whose “goal” that is but it’s certainly not ours. And it shouldn’t be the goal of ANY Pennsylvanian or resident of Schuylkill County.

That’s because the Green phase isn’t what the Green phase used to be.

Wolf Quietly Changes Green Phase to Match His Dystopian Dream

When Pennsylvania Gov. Tom Wolf announced on Friday that Schuylkill County could move to the Yellow phase on May 29, he also announced several counties that can move to the Green phase next week, too.

Sounds great. But, like many other parts of Wolf’s plan, he failed to be transparent about that Green phase. And he failed to tell everyone that the Green phase changed, seemingly overnight.

Take a look at the graphic below that you’re probably tired of seeing. But as you’re looking at it, take a closer look at the Green phase:

Some parts of the Green phase are good for some businesses who’ve been closed since the beginning of the pandemic. Bars and restaurants can reopen but capacity will be limited. And businesses that finally did reopen in the Yellow phase can expand their capacities.

Other things get a little better – such as visits to hospitals and prisons resuming – but this new Green phase should hardly be “the goal” as they put it.

The actual goal should be a return to the lives we once knew. Those are the lives and freedoms ripped from us in March by the tyrannical megalomaniac in Harrisburg.

That’s our goal and it should be yours.

But someone else’s goal includes not being able to visit loved ones in nursing homes. Is that your goal?

Does your goal include never being able to go a “large recreational gathering”? Didn’t think so.

Take a look at these sanctimonious changes to the Green phase — and keep in mind that this phase could be in place for a long time. Wolf believes a true return to normal can’t happen without a vaccine or cure for the Chinese virus.

“Changing Behavior for a New Normal”

Let’s ignore the garbage about “personal responsibility” and how that somehow means wearing a mask in public, distancing ourselves from others, etc.

The first thing that should jump out at you is on top of the column on the right.

It reads: “Not a return to the way things were but changing behavior for a new normal.”

new normal drake

“New normal” is something being repeated ad nauseam through the mainstream media and their puppets. Just remember and never forget, the whole point of these restrictions in the first place was to prevent a rush on hospital services caused by the Chinese virus.

Now, it’s not about the virus at all. While states across the country begin returning to a real normal, we’re stuck living out Wolf’s socialist globalist dream for Pennsylvania.

“Changing behavior” is unacceptable language here. If anyone needs to change behavior, it’s Wolf. He’s acted unilaterally since the beginning of the pandemic response.

And his unilateral decisions have caused economic chaos in Pennsylvania. Don’t forget the calamitous decision to send sick seniors back into nursing homes to infect others with the Chinese virus, too.

The “new normal” he’s conditioning you to believe in has him as the sole decision maker in Pennsylvania. We don’t think so.

If there’s a new normal we should adjust to, it’s this:

wolf in prison

Green Phase is NOT the Goal

That news outlet is merely quoting some local officials who’ve already been conditioned to accept a “new normal” here. Or maybe they missed the updates to the Green phase protocol as they cheered wildly about getting moved to Yellow.

Just two days prior, Wolf said the Green phase would be for everyone to follow CDC and state Dept. of Health guidelines.

Here’s the same graphic from above that Wolf shared via social media on May 15. Notice how it’s light on details for the Green phase:

may 15 reopening color phases

But like many times in the past, he rewrote the rules and moved the proverbial goalposts once again. And like many times in the past, Wolf made these changes in the cover of darkness.

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  1. Linda H

    May 23, 2020 at 4:56 pm

    Its depressing BS . . . How many more years of this (just gonna write it) flaming asshole is left? Actually I know two . . . ugh.
    Who are the dick brains that voted for four more years of his mindless control? Anyone here? Are you willing to raise your hand and tell me why?? Any regrets? Be honest.
    Sorry, but I am in a mood, I am having bad hair dayS
    I may do a road trip to another state for a hairdo!

    • PTFloridians

      May 23, 2020 at 5:53 pm

      The same geniuses that voted for Obummer, voted for this knob. I used to ask people that i worked with, years ago, “did you vote for Barack Hussein…”…nobody would say yes or admit to it.
      …on the topic of the term “new normal”, my Wife and I, and others, refuse to accept it, or repeat it…our lives are normal, and will continue to be so, moving forward. The Left and their ilk want to program and shape your thought, into accepting new terminology and thus “new normals”…good ol fashioned brain washing…DON’T accept it.

      • Robert

        June 1, 2020 at 9:12 am

        I agree brain dead demonrats should not be allowed to vote and rat boy wolf has to go

  2. admin

    May 23, 2020 at 11:24 pm

    Here’s hoping you never return to the site. Jackass.

  3. PTFloridians

    June 13, 2020 at 2:46 pm

    The bottom line here is to plow this clown in court, and return to what life was. This other phrase that everyone keeps bantying about is just another brainwashing slogan that they invented to shape your thought, and accept fear and loathing. The Libs looooove fearvand loathing, it drives them.

  4. Linda H

    June 13, 2020 at 4:04 pm

    The first thing everyone needs to do, if they have not, is turn the darned TV news OFF. Its nothing but slanted brainwashing, instilling endless fear into the viewers brain, if not every cell in the body! Go for a walk, scrub your bathroom tile with a toothbrush, paint your porch . . .
    Get Netflix, watch Hulu, Amazon Prime videos, find a channel that shows old western movies. Read a book!
    Something, anything other than the news!!
    I really do not know anyone who is watching the news for their daily dose of this is the new normal BS. But am hearing a lot of people are “drinking the kool aid” shaking in fear, afraid of germs, afraid of Trump, afraid of ever returning life to what it was as recently as February. Shocking and sad, to see how quickly (some) people have had their way of life and thinking changed.
    Thankfully there does seem to be plenty who have kept their way of thinking in place.
    I was just down to Virginia, and the same mix of thought exists there too, but thankfully there were plenty who refuse to accept the daily brainwash, a.k.a. “news” and are not going to morph into another kind of normal.

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