To the people around Schuylkill County who seem to think it’s cool to be ruled by authoritarians, and to those of you who continue to snitch on neighbors for doing things that are none of your business, this is what happens when that devolves:
Video released on Friday shows a man on a Philadelphia SEPTA bus being physically yanked off that bus for not wearing a face mask.
Here’s that shocking video, including what led up to that physical takedown:
Notice how the guy ordering people to leave the bus isn’t wearing a face mask?
A bit hypocritical, don’t you think?
It’s making people wonder, is the coronavirus pandemic response really about keeping people safe from the virus? Or is it about imposing authoritarian rule?
While some of our readers may think these sorts of measures are just, think about this response if it’s something you don’t agree with in the future. Is this what you really want?
So, while you’re out and about being good little social distance warriors and snitching on “all the people” you see not “following the rules”, remember, those rules can one day come back to bite you in the ass or drag your ass off a bus.
And if you still think this is necessary, you need to check your American at the door.
This is not who we are and not what we should strive to be as a society.
Dis Infect
April 10, 2020 at 6:53 pm
true the driver should have been wearing a mask, however there should be ABSOLUTELY NO PUBLIC TRANSPORTATION RIGHT NOW. How can u social distance on a bus? Who is going to wipe down the grab bar, seats, ect, after every rider? Only the elderly or folks with children or disabled should ride if the bus should operate.
April 10, 2020 at 7:35 pm
Seems pretty extreme. You can’t find an emptier, more spacious ride in Schuylkill County than you can on an STS bus.
Dis Infect
April 11, 2020 at 10:26 am
Not extreme at all, just follow the rules and you can ride. Schulykill Co is rising in c-19 cases.
April 11, 2020 at 11:12 am
Not extreme to have upwards of 10 police officers yank a man off a public bus because he wasn’t following the recommendation (a voluntary thing) to wear a mask? There was no order. Reports from Philly still indicate it’s not mandated. Your world is scary. You don’t know if the number is rising in Schuylkill. They just report new cases. Could have been tested last week for all we know. Also, we don’t track recoveries. No one knows how many of those reported positives are better now.