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Pennsylvania Politics

SICKENING: Pennsylvania Attorney General Tweets ‘Abortion is Healthcare’

abortion is healthcare pennsylvania AG shapiro

Pennsylvania Attorney General woke up Thursday morning in a rather foul mood.

Of course, he’d spin it another way. But just after 9 a.m., Shapiro tweeted this:

“Abortion is healthcare,” Shapiro tweeted.

This didn’t sit well with a lot of people on social media. They reacted quickly and often.

“No, it’s murder,” writes user @oGascao.

User @taoofpete wonders, “This is our AG?!?!?!? I can even understand if someone is pro death espouses such, trying to euphemise as ‘pro-choice’ but our AG suggesting death as healthcare?”

The @PatronStOfSleep says, “Abortion is as much “healthcare” as I am a giraffe.

Still, this is Pennsylvania and liberals like this just don’t magically appear in office. There are people out there supporting them.

Take, for instance, @thewordunheard, who seems to get an abortion every year.

They say being “pro-choice” is about giving women the right to choose. User @missaafa seems to suggest the doctors are helping women make these decisions.

As disturbing as it is that our Attorney General would wake up on Thursday morning and tweet such an odd message  — even if you’re pro-choice, this choice of words is foul. You have to wonder why he’d tweet this.

On Wednesday, Shapiro released a statement saying he’s entering Pennsylvania into a “multi-state effort to protect access to safe and legal abortion care.”

The point of this coalition? We’re joining other states in a fight against Arkansas laws that Shapiro believes restrict “women’s access to safe and legal abortion by banning abortion after 18 weeks and restricting women’s access to reproductive care.”

A US District Court has temporarily blocked these 2019 Arkansas laws but that state is appealing that decision. Pennsylvania, through its “abortion is healthcare” Attorney General is now part of some coalition fighting against Arkansas’ appeal.

Other states in the coalition include California, Colorado, Connecticut, Delaware, Hawai’i, Illinois, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Minnesota, Nevada, New Mexico, New York, Oregon, Rhode Island, Vermont, Virginia, Washington and District of Columbia.

“If Pennsylvania and other states do not join together to defend the U.S. Constitution in Arkansas and every state where it is threatened, it will represent a generational setback for all women,” Shapiro echoed from Democrat talking points in his statement.

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