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Meuser Votes Yes on Suspending Debt Ceiling, Bill Passes House

Opposing Republicans present strong argument on ‘No’ vote

US Rep. Dan Meuser voted in favor of a bill that would suspend the debt ceiling and is likely to put an end, at least for now, to any fears of the US defaulting on its debts.

In a speech prior to the vote, Meuser said, “While the Fiscal Responsibility Act is not perfect and God knows we need serious corrections, but there are at least 10 conservative American provisions in this bill that will benefit our economy and advance a higher level of fiscal responsibility.”

Schuylkill County’s Congressman also said the so-called deal Republicans have apparently struck with the Biden administration is a bit of a best-they-could-get compromise with the President. “Let’s be honest, this is the most conservative bill that can pass with a Biden White House and a Schumer Senate,” Meuser claims in his speech on the House floor. “The Fiscal Responsibility Act stops the excessive spending, stops the bleeding, and adds to our workforce.”

Meuser also believes the legislation he favored on Wednesday night “reigns in the Biden Administration’s Executive Order spending.”

What’s in the Fiscal Responsibility Act?

The Fiscal Responsibility Act of 2023 suspends the federal debt limit until January 1, 2025, and subsequently raises it to accommodate obligations issued during the suspension.

It sets new discretionary spending limits for FY2024 and FY2025, enforced with automatic cuts, which are 1% below the FY2023 levels if all appropriations bills are not enacted on time.

The Fiscal Responsibility Act rescinds certain unused funds allocated for COVID-19 and IRS and provides funding for the Veterans Affairs Toxic Exposure Fund and Commerce Department’s Nonrecurring Expenses Fund.

It also mandates administrative pay-as-you-go rules until 2024, terminates the suspension of federal student loan payments, expands work requirements for SNAP and TANF, and expedites permits for specific energy projects.

Debt Ceiling Vote – GOP Opposition

There wasn’t enough opposition to the debt ceiling bill voted on during Wednesday’s late-night session of the House. It passed with bipartisan support, 314-117. More Democrats (165) voted in favor of the bill in the GOP-led House than Republicans (149).

And a lot of fellow Republicans are strongly countering Meuser’s stance with solid arguments on why they voted against the bill to suspend the debt ceiling on Wednesday.

Some of the strongest MAGA Republicans, and others, in the House voted against the bill, including Rep. Lauren Boebert. In a tweet on Tuesday she wrote, “No sensible conservative can vote for this.”

Rep. Greg Steube (Fla.) wrote on Twitter, “While I was originally optimistic about some of the conservative wins found in the negotiated debt ceiling package, I have read the bill, heard from hundreds of my constituents, & ultimately cannot in good conscience vote for this legislation.”

And Rep. Nancy Mace (S.C.) believes, “Republicans got outsmarted by a President who can’t find his pants.”

Here Tweet thread here explains her vote on Wednesday.

The Fiscal Responsibility Act now heads to the Senate, and if it’s passed there, to Biden.

However, it may not be a smooth process in the Senate. Sen. Bernie Sanders says he’ll oppose the bill in this tweet:

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