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Schuylkill County News

Here is Where You Vote in the 2023 Schuylkill County Primary Election

Vital info for new voters!

Whether you’re a seasoned voter or a first-time participant, stepping into the polling booth is an empowering experience. However, you might find yourself wondering, “Where do I cast my vote?” especially if your polling location has changed since you last voted. Don’t worry, we’re here to help guide you through the process.

A polling station is where you, as a registered voter, go to vote. Every voter is assigned a specific polling location based on their registered address. These locations can be anything from your local school to a community center, and it’s important to note that your assigned polling station may have changed.

“Where is MY polling location?” you may ask. We’ve compiled a thorough list of all polling locations throughout Schuylkill County. Whether you’re a first-time voter or a veteran, it’s crucial to go to your designated polling station – it’s the place where your vote counts!

Remember, the Primary Election is Tuesday, May 16. Polls open at 7 a.m. and close at 8 p.m. You must be in line at your polling location by 8 p.m. in order for your vote to count!

If you find that your polling location has changed since the last time you voted, or if you’re not sure where to go, the Schuylkill County Election Bureau is a great resource. You can contact them at 570-628-1467 with any questions or concerns you might have about voting.

When you head to vote, remember to bring a valid ID, especially if it’s your first time. Always respect the space and privacy of others.

Here are the Pennsylvania Dept. of State approved forms of ID for first-time voters at a polling location:

Photo IDs:

  • Pennsylvania driver’s license or PennDOT ID card
  • ID issued by any Commonwealth agency
  • ID issued by the U.S. Government
  • U.S. passport
  • U.S. Armed Forces ID
  • Student ID
  • Employee ID

Non-photo IDs:

  • Confirmation issued by the County Voter Registration Office
  • Non-photo ID issued by the Commonwealth
  • Non-photo ID issued by the U.S. Government
  • Firearm permit
  • Current utility bill
  • Current bank statement
  • Current paycheck
  • Government check

Take a moment to locate your polling station in our list below. Plan your day, allow for potential wait times, and get ready to let your voice be heard.

Ashland - 1stGood Shepherd Lutheran Church35 N 9th StAshland
Ashland - 2ndZion's United Church of Christ2400 Centre StAshland
Blythe TownshipGood Will Hose195 Water StCumbola
Branch TownshipBranch Twp Memorial Building46 Phoenix Park RdLlewellyn
Butler Township - EnglewoodFriendship Fire Company - Englewood147 N 7th StFrackville
Butler Township - Ft. SpringsAmerican Fire Company #1 - Fountain Springs2 Fountain StAshland
Butler Township - LavelleLavelle Volunteer Fire Company409 Main St Lavelle
Butler Township - NortheastGirardville Borough201 N 4th StGirardville
Cass Township - NorthSouth Cass Fire Company14 Water LnPottsville
Cass Township - SouthSouth Cass Fire Company14 Water LnPottsville
Delano TownshipDelano Fire Company #11 Birch & Beech StsDelano
East Norwegian TownshipEast Norwegian Township Building593 Port Carbon St Clair HwyPottsville
Frackville - NorthFrackville Senior Center130 E Frack StFrackville
Frackville - MiddleFrackville Senior Center130 E Frack StFrackville
Frackville - SouthGood Will Hose Company #1225 S Balliet StFrackville
GilbertonAmerican Hose Company2315 High RdMahanoy Plane
GirardvilleGirardville Borough201 North 4th StGirardville
GordonGordon Borough Hall324 E Plane & Otto StGordon
Mahanoy City - 1stSchuylkill Regional Resource Center - Senior Center138 W Centre StMahanoy City
Mahanoy City - 2ndSchuylkill Regional Resource Center - Senior Center138 W Centre StMahanoy City
Mahanoy City - 3rdMahanoy City Borough Hall239 E Pine StMahanoy City
Mahanoy City - 4thGood American Hose Company #3738 E Mahanoy StMahanoy City
Mahanoy TownshipMahanoy Township Municipal Building1010 W Centre StMahanoy City
MiddleportCitizens Fire Company29 Washington StMiddleport
Minersville - 1stMinersville Water CompanyN Delaware Ave & E Carbon StMinersville
Minersville - 2ndMinersville Hi-Rise300 Lewis StreetMinersville
Minersville - 3rdMinersville Public Library220 South Fourth StMinersville
Minersville - 4thNew Minersville Fire Company500 Line St Minersville
New Castle TownshipNew Castle Township Municipal Building248-250 Broad StSt Clair
New PhiladelphiaGood Intent Volunteer Fire Company15 Macomb StNew Philadelphia
Norwegian Township - CurransSeltzer Hose Company320 Main & Maurer StSeltzer
Norwegian Township - MarlinNorwegian Township Municipal Building506 Maple AveMarlin
Palo Alto - 1stCitizens Fire Company #1 Palo Alto139 W Bacon StPalo Alto
Palo Alto - 2ndPalo Alto Borough Hall142 E Bacon StPalo Alto
Port Carbon - 1stPort Carbon Senior Center90 Washington StPort Carbon
Port Carbon - 2ndFirst United Methodist Church - Port Carbon211 Washington StPort Carbon
Reilly TownshipNewtown Volunteer Fire Company36 Wood StTremont
Ryan TownshipRyan Township Fire Company945 Barnesville DrBarnesville
St Clair - MiddleSaint Clair Borough Hall16 S 3rd StSt Clair
St Clair - SouthFirst Primitive Methodist Church115 North Mill StSt Clair
St Clair - NorthSt Clare of Assisi Church HallHancock & Mill StSt Clair
Shenandoah - 1stShenandoah East End Field & Stream Club320 E Lloyd StShenandoah
Shenandoah - 2ndDistrict Court 21-3-0533 S Main StShenandoah
Shenandoah - 3rdSchuylkill Historical Fire Museum105 S Jardin StShenandoah
Shenandoah - 4thPolish American Fire Company115 W Center StShenandoah
Shenandoah - 5thColumbia Hose & Steam Fire Engine Company #1742 W Center StShenandoah
Shenandoah - 6thDefenders Fire House300 Furnace StShenandoah
West Mahanoy Township - AltamontAltamont Fire Company #1209 S Green StFrackville
West Mahanoy Township - 2ndWest Mahanoy Township Municipal Building190 Pennsylvania AveShenandoah
West Mahanoy Township - 1stWilliam Penn Fire Company # 1166 Mount Olive BlvdShenandoah
AuburnAuburn Fire Company131 S Front StAuburn
Coaldale - EastCoaldale Borough Hall221/223 3rd StCoaldale
Coaldale - WestCoaldale Complex Building entrance 6th St6th & Phillips StreetCoaldale
Deer LakeDeer Lake & West Brunswick Fire Company #11 Ash RdDeer Lake
East Brunswick TownshipEast Brunswick Township Office Building35 W Catawissa StNew Ringgold
East Union TownshipEast Union Township Building10 E Elm StSheppton
Kline TownshipKline Township Municipal Building30 5th StKelayres
LandingvilleLandingville Community Fire Company1 Fire House RdLandingville
McAdoo - 1stThe Strand110 W Blaine StMcAdoo
McAdoo - 2ndThe Strand110 W Blaine StMcAdoo
New RinggoldNew Ringgold Community Fire Company25 N Railroad StNew Ringgold
North Union TownshipNorth Union Township Building185 Mahanoy StNuremburg
Port ClintonSt. Johns United Church of Christ36 Penn StreetPort Clinton
RingtownRingtown Area Senior Citizens Building104 W Main St Ringtown
Rush Township - EastTamaqua/Mahanoy City Lodge 2387 Shawn AveTamaqua
Rush Township - WestHometown Fire Company45 Mahanoy AveTamaqua
Rush Township - ElixirHometown Fire Company45 Mahanoy AveTamaqua
Schuylkill TownshipMary-D Fire Company85 Walnut StMary D
Tamaqua - 1stTrinity United Church of Christ22 Lafayette StTamaqua
Tamaqua - 2ndEast End Fire Company553-555 E Broad StTamaqua
Tamaqua - 3rdEast End Fire Company553-555 E. Broad St.Tamaqua
Tamaqua - 4thSouth Ward Fire Company325 Van Gelder StTamaqua
Union TownshipUnion Township Municipal Building155 Zion Grove RdRingtown
Walker TownshipWalker Township Municipal Building9 Township RdTamaqua
West Brunswick Township - NorthWest Brunswick Township Building95 Municipal RdOrwigsburg
West Brunswick Township - SouthWest Brunswick Township Building95 Municipal RdOrwigsburg
West Penn Township - 2ndSt. Peters Church - Social Hall184 St Peters RdTamaqua
West Penn Township - 1stWest Penn Township Municipal Building27 Municipal RdNew Ringgold
Barry TownshipBarry Township Community Center former Grange Hall868 Deep Creek RdAshland
CressonaCressona Borough Hall68 S Sillyman StCressona
Eldred TownshipZion Evangelical Congregational Church247 Zion Church RdPitman
Foster TownshipMinersville Fire & Rescue'1546 Sunbury RdMinersville
Frailey TownshipDonaldson Fire Company1 W Center StDonaldson
Hegins Township - EastHegins Valley Fire & Rescue720 Chestnut StHegins
Hegins Township - WestValley Lodge Masonic Hall1007 W Maple St Valley View
Hubley TownshipSacramento Community Fire Company2206 E Main StSacramento
MechanicsvilleMechanicsville Borough Hall918 1st StPottsville'
Mount CarbonAmerican Hose Company of Mount Carbon122 Main StMount Carbon
North Manheim Township - 3rdBlue Mountain High School1076 W Market StSchuylkill Haven
North Manheim Township - 2ndNorth Manheim Township Municipal Office303 Manheim RdPottsville
Orwigsburg - 1stOrwigsburg Veterans Memorial Building300 Grove St Orwigsburg
Orwigsburg - 2ndOrwigsburg Veterans Memorial Building300 Grove St Orwigsburg
Pine Grove - NorthPine Grove Hose Hook & Ladder Company1 Orchard St Pine Grove
Pine Grove - SouthPine Grove Lions Club1 Veterans Memorial DrPine Grove
Pine Grove Township - 1stPine Grove Township Building175 Oak Grove RdPine Grove
Pine Grove Township - 2ndPine Grove Township Building175 Oak Grove RdPine Grove
Porter - EastPorter Township EMA Building309 W Wiconisco StMuir
Porter - WestPorter Tower Lions Club517 W Grand Ave Tower City
Pottsville - 1stSchuylkill County Human Services Complex Building420 N Centre StPottsville
Pottsville - 2ndLehigh Valley/Joseph McCloskey School of Nursing420 S Jackson StPottsville
Pottsville - 3-2American Hose Company323 W Norwegian StPottsville
Pottsville - 3-1St John the Baptist Church - Russell Building9th & Schuylkill Ave. Pottsville
Pottsville - 3-3Lehigh Valley/Joseph McCloskey School of Nursing420 S Jackson StPottsville
Pottsville - 4thTerrance Reiley Community Building216 N 12th St Pottsville
Pottsville - 5-1Salvation Army400 Sanderson StPottsville
Pottsville - 5-2PJ McGeever Center943 Fairmount Ave Pottsville
Pottsville - 6thPeacock Street DevelopmentW Railroad St Pottsville
Pottsville - 7-1Yorkville Hose Company20th & W Norwegian StPottsville
Pottsville - 7-2Pottsville Foursquare Church2300 Mahantongo StPottsville
Schuylkill Haven - NorthSchuylkill Haven Senior Citizens Center340 Haven StSchuylkill Haven
Schuylkill Haven - EastSchuylkill Haven Senior Citizens Center340 Haven StSchuylkill Haven
Schuylkill Haven - SouthSchuylkill Haven Hi-Rise255 ParkwaySchuylkill Haven
Schuylkill Haven - WestGrace Evangelical Congregation Church15 Earl Stoyer DrSchuylkill Haven
South Manheim TownshipSouth Manheim Township Municipal Office3089 Fair RdAuburn
Tower CityChrist United Methodist Church400 E Grand Ave Tower City
TremontTremont Senior Citizens19 N Pine St Tremont
Tremont TownshipTremont Township Municipal Building166 Molleystown RdPine Grove
Upper Mahantongo TownshipSalem Church of Rough & Ready11 Church RdKlingerstown
Washington Township - NorthWashington Township Municipal Building225 Frantz RdPine Grove
Washington Township - SouthWashington Township Municipal Building225 Frantz RdPine Grove
Wayne Township - 1stFriedensburg Fire HouseP. O. Box 130Friedensburg
Wayne Township - 2ndSummit Station Fire Company88 Firehouse RdSummit Station
North Manheim Township - 1stSchuylkill County Extension Office1202 Agricultural Center DrPottsville
West Penn Township - 3rdWest Penn Municipal Building27 Municipal RdNew Ringgold
Wayne Township - 3rdWayne Township Municipal Building10 Municipal RdSchuylkill Haven

Image: Created with Midjourney

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